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Adi Chandra

A member registered Nov 23, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hey Dutch!

I enjoyed the game! Looks like the foundations are super solid already and I'd love it if you go ahead and expand this! The art style, UI, music and lighting are all really pretty. I do have some suggestions though:

- When the player goes off-screen, I think the death mechanic should be either removed or the time limit should be increased significantly. It's your call of course but in my experience it was annoying.

- When an enemy is killed, I feel the points gained should be a bigger text size.

- I think the enemy which shoots in all directions is introduced well in the game, but then there are suddenly two in the next wave which makes it very difficult to handle. Suggestion, make this next wave more difficult of course but how about just one big enemy. You can bring in two in the next next wave :D

- The Close Settings button in the Settings menu looks off. Maybe it's the font. Additionally I feel you should change the text from 'Close Settings' to just 'Close' or 'Back'.

Thanks for reading! I hope this is helpful, and you can use these suggestions constructively to improve the game. Looking forward to playing the next updates! (with them upgrades and them bosses right!)

Thank you!

Appreciate the feedback, Dubomb!

Thank you! :D

Thanks for playing our game!

Great job! I like the music, fits right with the gameplay. I felt the movement was too tight at first, but it was okay after I played a few levels :)

Great game! I had some trouble with collisions and sometimes crates were stuck midway into where they were supposed to go. The puzzles are pretty nice. Good job!

Great game! I did however have the misfortune of encountering the bug you explained in the description, but apart from that the visuals are very pretty. Gameplay-wise, it indeed gets boring after some time and the feedback/juice isn't enough for a game like this. I know you started 4 days into the jam, so for a game made in a couple of days while also juggling other projects, this looks fantastic.

Thanks for playing, Fox!

Hi. The visuals were fantastic. The animations were fantastic. The environment/level-design felt really polished and it was fantastic. The game itself, however, was not very good in my opinion and it wasn't completely clear what to do. I just told myself that it's a game about stopping robots from doing bad dance moves so basically that's what I did to win. Theme-wise, I think the game wasn't based on a very good idea because instead of "rewinding bullets into the gun" if you just picked them up, it'd be the same thing except yeah you can't re-use them. I do realise it's a jam game so I know it must've been hard and stressful to put together something fun and enjoyable :)

Other than that, great 3D models and great levels! Best of wishes to all three of you <3

Great game! I love the visuals, sounds and music, you knew what you wanted to make and you delivered exactly that. The replayability and polish for a jam game (even though it is pretty small) is surprising. The game's really fun and the rewind mechanic feels incredibly satisfying :D

I'm not, however, a big fan of three shooter enemies terrorising me at once, or someone barely visible shooting at me from the corner of the screen >:-(

Nice job, both of you!

Great game! The art is beautiful, the puzzles are incredibly clever and the main menu rocks! The difficulty spikes are however still very intimidating. I feel like I wasn't used to game enough when you raised the difficulty of puzzles by 5000%, but it's okay because solving the puzzles is a really great feeling and I had fun. The music is pretty bad.

Thanks Nerdu!

Thanks for the feedback, dude!

Thank you Snowy!

Thanks a lot! :D

Thank you!!

Hi Luis!

Check out our small 2D metroidvania game (also has an arguably sad story) called Sofia. It'd be awesome if you could try it :D

I'll be sure to play your game as well <3

Thanks so much! We'll keep your feedback in mind for improving the game after the jam's over :)

Thank you! <3

Thanks Tomk! We wanted to make more levels but the time limit forced us to cut down the scope by a bit :(

Anyway thank you for trying!

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for playing! We've noted your suggestions, we'll definitely look into improving the game after the voting phase :D

Excellent game, both of you! That's some really good voice acting :D

Love is blind!