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Aedian Glair

A member registered Dec 17, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you so, so much! <3

(2 edits)

The game is not abandoned, but we don't know when we will be able to finish it. Life has been a struggle for our duo. We had to find full  time jobs just to survive.  To add on top of that, we had to move a few times because of bad economic situation in our region. 

Despite all the setbacks we consistently spend most of our limited free time making games. It's just that the time required to make games is really big. Have patience and Mannequin will get some love, trust <3

If you are looking for a finished story we have completed three other games: Glass Hearts, Diamond Mirage (+18 nsfw) and Xissai (+18 nsfw)

Hi! Yes we are :) The next update is coming together slowly. You can follow us to get the latest update notifications <3

MC and all main companions learn skills, but the RPG system is unfinished.

The game in its current state offers 189,000 words of story content with choices and routes. The most complete, and nearly finished, is the Nor & Esha route, at about 90%. Mannequin is priced at $20 which is a fair price for a visual novel with over three times word volume compared to your standard bookstore novel. 

If you are fine with playing an early access product then you can try Mannequin, our game is frequently at a 50% sale so it is an even better deal if you choose to wait.

We are affected by several unfortunate circumstances, war in Ukraine being just one of them. We live in an eastern European country and have to work full time as making video games is not viable and we can't afford to hire writers or other staff.

Thanks for taking the time to reach out to us and provide feedback :)

Mannequin Academy, as it currently stands, offers 189,000 words of story and is already bigger than 2-3 of our finished games. It takes time to complete a megaproject such as this one and we have no funding so the game is being developed to the best of our limited resources. The game will definitely be finished at some point.

Hi there! Every character route has started already and is in progress :) The most developed is Nor's, but we will start developing Noah's further either right after we finish his, or simultaneously (I actually have around half of Noah's route written down, but it's not scripted yet into the game). Thank you for your interest, it really means a lot <3

75% of the game is finished and it is in a playable state excluding the final story chapter.

Hi 😊

We are working on Mannequin Academy behind the scenes and the project is still in development.

Hello and thank you for your support! We are slowly developing Mannequin Academy, but due to the financial condition of our studio we don't know when we will be able to finish the game. We just need more time, but the game is definitely not abandoned.

For now you can try playing through Nor & Esha's route which is the most fleshed out (bigger than the common story route itself) and will be the one that we complete development on first.

Hi there! Thank you so much for your wonderful comment :) 

At this point in time, Mannequin Academy is so huge it's honestly twice as big as a standard Visual Novel, and it's not even finished. It was a very ambitious project, and the two of us started and continued it because we love it, but we had to slow down the updates because frankly speaking, it was making us both broke :< The starving artist stigma is so very real, and to be able to continue making games at all, we had to diversify a bit and start launching smaller, more 'popular' games that would help us buy groceries. Right now, we are both working full time jobs (we spent all of our savings to develop Mannequin up to the point it is now), so our game dev is considerably slower.

And to address some of the points that you've listed:

- There is a skip dialogue button!

-So glad you're enjoying my writing, thank you :) I think it's much better now than it was at the beginning of MA, but I'll be slowly rewriting parts of it later. Same goes with the art, this game is evolving together with my skills.

-Nor and Esha really can make a person jealous, can't they? I honestly live for this dynamics, and the uniqueness of their relationship in a game that is 'Aura's', and, in theory, his romance;D

- Speaking of POV, it might be a mistake that it switches to a 3rd person. We will need to investigate this.

-Can't really do much about the payment methods, I'm sorry:( 

Once again, thank you so much for leaving a comment and for liking our game! We're very excited <3

Thank you! It makes me really excited to slowly start unveiling some of the mysteries (there's quite a few, and I wonder if someone will guess them all!), as well as getting back to writing the other routes. Noah is making me so nervous that I actually already started rewriting his route (not the part that is in game, but the continuation that's in my notes). And I'm very happy that you like Nor - he and Esha are my favorites. I just can't get enough of them.

Thank you so much for the beautiful comment, it was such a pleasure to read!

(And the timing was perfect, I'm slowly getting back to writing another update for Mannequin and need all the inspiration and kind words I can get, haha!).

I understand your point and feel similarly towards poly relationships. To be honest, it's not 'my' thing, and in general, I think it kills the romance and potential for two characters to build something special just for themselves. In many ways, Nor and Esha's route is a challenge, but like all other characters in Mannequin Academy, I feel like it's them writing themselves, not me writing them.  

I can't spoil too much, but there will be a few different endings for all the characters. Nor and Esha will definitely get more than 2, so there's a lot to look forward to (I hope!). 

Once again, thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. Recently I've been feeling quite down about my writing and lacked creative drive, so it truly made my day.

No problem at all <3 We hope you enjoy our games!:)

Hi Chestershire, Glass Hearts and Diamond Mirage are available on steam 😊

It's not easy for sure :) Best I can do is show you the choice list for Lian's Bad ending. A is the first choice, B second and so on.

That's right. We left the bad endings for players to discover for themselves 😉

Hi Marquis! Thank you for leaving such a lovely comment, it really made our day yesterday. Glass Hearts is not everyone's cup of tea, so knowing that you enjoyed it and appreciated the content for what it was means a LOT.  We felt like it was worth making this game :)

Great that you liked Xiuying and Kai's route! Xiuying was very fun to write, and his dialogues are some of my absolute favorites. I also agree that they are perfect together with Kai - opposites attract, but they also resonate with each other well on a deeper level, which makes the relationship all the more meaningful and full of promise for the future. Let us know how you like his second ending (and the other routes as well!) once you play through them all! <3

Sadly, scenes with Tang are more limited than we had planned. We hoped to add much more content to the game in general, but we couldn't commit the time if we wanted to be able to support ourselves financially. It's always sad and frustrating how financial troubles hold us back from delivering everything that we dream of, but as long as we're a tiny studio of two people that do 100% by themselves this will continue to be the case T_T That being said, we are super happy that you liked Glass Hearts regardless! Thank you for taking the time to comment on it,  we appreciate it so much.

The game is still in development, but a lot of content was added to Nor's route. When was the last time you played it and what was the error you got? I'm sure it's been fixed by now.

Thanks for asking :) Full game is included in the price. You pay once and you get access now and to all future updates, including full release.

Hi,  you won't have to pay again for the full release. The game is 80% complete so you are getting most of the content planned for it.

Subin is a side character and has the beginning of a romantic interaction if you get his ending.

In case you still need it the endings walkthrough is here :) You can find it in "My Library" at the top right.

We've just released a PDF walkthrough of all the routes in Glass Hearts. You can download it from "My Library".

There's 8 good and neutral endings in total so the walkthrough is handy if you still need it :)

Hii! Your comment made us sooo happy ;_; <3 Thank you so much!!

We are going to post an ending guide soon, so you'll be able to follow it to get the choices right for Xiu and Lian:) And it's great that you like Moyu's storyline! His character was what inspired this entire game actually.

Once again, thank you for playing and for taking your time to post a comment, we appreciate it so so much.

Nor & Esha's route is almost ready, but it's not released yet. We'll be releasing it in the coming months. The content that has been released is also very long in Nor & Esha's route so that's the one I'd recommend for now.

Stay tuned for the next big update that says Nor's route is ready to play :)