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A member registered Jul 19, 2023

Recent community posts


Any plans for a furry character or two


I know, I went looking, but there was no specific answer given, just guess from myself and other people

Whenabouts can we expect 4.1

I believe they said they were aiming for a '.5' release sometime at the start of this month once they're halfway done with Sinnoh, but that may have changed

Any chance on adding more potential race swaps? Like bunnies

I forget exactly how, but there's a way you can look at a site's web code, and usually you can find random number generation code on such things. Most commonly on shopping sites that tell you how many people are 'looking' at an item to try and pressure you into buying it. The vast majority of the time, the number is just spat out by a random number generator.

I've had the issue to, I have to highlight the text to read it. It blends in too much with the dark background

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Adding my two cents to this thread, though this one i don't expect to go anywhere.

I once had a Black and White guidebook that mistakenly marked freaking Delibird as a legendary

It'd be neat if we could see the memory changes that we instigate in other characters.

I got the qualification for that option once, but instead of a link, it was just... white text

Oh... boy, this patch broke a lot of stuff. The Light Fury stone isn't working, and straight up disappeared when I did something else first, I couldn't even get started on the Feragon one despite going through all the dialogue, I didn't get the gold from the wyvern contract..

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I would appreciate an option to auto translate Deoxys or something similar. I'm sure some people will find it quirky and amusing, but for me and likely a few others, it's mildly annoying to have to try to manually translate it.

So are you going to explore pregnancy with Elami's TFs

Great game. My only nitpick is that Raikou doesnt appear very accurately. No mask, no jagged tail, no purple clouds. Just a yellow cat. Males me think the ai somehow pulled from the yokai called 'raikou' rather than the Pokemon.