I'll keep this quick, the game is straight up fucking dead which sucks because the game has great art and had a decent story, what's worse is the shit mechanics
Enemies are so over-tuned that it is more RNG than it is an actual turn-based combat, bosses at the end of the game are complete and total b******* with no feasible way to level up, combat in itself is just boring as hell
Second biggest criticism is the straight up lack of erotica in any of the enemy scenes outside of consumption which I get the point of the game is to consume and vore is the main kink, but you're lucky to get maybe three or four scenes with actual characters that are no more than blowing and that's it
My recommendation is that you just straight up don't play this game it is unfair to a BS extent it is a waste of a player's time and while it had massive opportunities the developer himself has straight up just giving up on it