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A member registered Aug 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yeah~ Thanks for asking :)

Right now I'm more focused on finishing this in my native language first, so sadly I have to say the development of the English version is on hiatus.

But as soon as I get everything sorted out , I promise, I'll get back to this and finish the whole story for you all.

Thanks again for still remembering this novel, and I'll do my best to not fail you all. 

I'd say no.  But I think it's fair to say the game's on a hiatus on English version.

Sadly, I've been trapped by my daily work since June and my health conditions keep giving me headaches (literally)… Thus I try to switch the mode of how I handle the development of this game to make my life easier: finish the novel in my native language first, then get a better focus on the editing and translation. And also, I believe it helps to present a complete and overall better polished game for my  readers.

So if anyone still feels interested in this project, I have a good news and a bad news for you:

The story will continue, but  there's gonna be a long way around.

Before I finish, I feel I owe everyone following this project an apology and an explanation, thus I'll post something already got implemented in my native language version, and hopefully this helps you understand that I'm not giving up upon this game.

Glad you like it anyway! We're working on more and hope this could help improve the visualization of the novel.

Glad you enjoy it! ^_^

About the Sprites and CGs: 

I'm working on it and might have some good news for you guys,  but still need time to figure out all the details . Hopefully I can make the exciting announcement this coming winter.

About the minigames:

Actually I was not quite sure whether it would be a good idea to integrate so much elements in a VN when I initiated the development. I was afraid my readers just wanted to keep their reading experience pure and simple, so I kept all the minigames and crime case in chapter 1  relatively easy and simple to see how it would go. If most of the readers find it really interesting and not hindering their reading, I'm certainly looking forward to adding more varieties. Just want to take it slow and might not be the first priority now.

About the next release:

The whole story and its structure have been drafted, yet I still need time (I mean a lot, sadly) to work out all the details. I feel a good story is essential for a VN thus I can't release anything not up to my standard or it will just be an insult to my readers. My plan is to update the game by chapter and I think in this way it can bring readers a more consistent and smooth experience. I'm looking at a release next spring or so, but it might change according to the progress. 

About the typos and grammatical errors:

My apologies. I'm not a native speaker and I did try my best to avoid these. I might really need someone to help me out. The problem is I'm a novice in this field and don't know many people... Anyway, I'll try to find a way to reduce these errors to minimum.

About your help:

Any help will always be appreciated! 

The greatest help anyone can do is to read my story :)

(And feel free to recommend it to your friends, I'd be more than happy to see more people enjoy my story!)

Thanks for your time and kindly comment. Hope I won't fail you, haha~

Really glad you like it! Then I shall not fail you :)

I'm still learning to write and there's a lot for me to improve. I know it‘s hard but your support will keep me going on. ^_^

Ah... didn't know that before. 

Guess I really should ask some native speakers to help me do some proofreading. I...don't really know many people around so I think it's a problem I should put into my to-do list later.

Anyway thanks for your feedback. Appreciate it as always!

Indeed! Sorry, really missed a lot of typos, will fix them with next update.

Anyway, greatly appreciate your support and hope you still enjoy it !

Glad you like it! I’ll do my best to keep presenting a good story.

Thanks! I know my work is…somehow not up to the standard many excellent FVNs hold, yet you all choose to trust me and give it a try.  Really appreciate that!