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A member registered Feb 09, 2024

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Goldlocke has updated the ROM download with v1.1 which looks to be the full game and that now works on emulators and generates a save file, so, thank you for that, but i guess now you could expect to see Dottie Flowers ending up being produced on fake cartridges.... so your scarcity issue is now no longer an issue

I have the sequel - Dottie Flowers.

The way the game saves is different to any other game i've seen on the SNES, it doesn't use a separate SRAM chip and writes your saves directly to the flash chip instead, it's ingenious. this does mean that common methods for reproducing this game won't work and you would have to replicate the PCB design in order for the game progress to be saved. This also means that the game won't run and save in an emulator without emulator changes to support the save process used. I have backed up my own cartridge, and have got it running on an emulator, but unless Goldlocke says so it will be staying with me and won't be shared. But to answer your point.... don't worry, it won't be lost.

Also here is one piece of good news. the Turrican team seems to have given its blessing with some merch sent to Goldlocke, so perhaps the worry of DCMA takedowns is alleviated, and gives the possibility of the rom being released in the future.  Until then i'll stream the game and reveal any secrets i find along the way.

Which reminds me @Goldlocke - can you open up comments on the Dottie-Flowers page on since it's not got comments enabled? i want to make a livesplit for Dottie Flowers, is this the naming scheme for the levels, and correct me where i'm wrong:

0x00 Ze World
0x01 Windy Plains
0x02 City Wall
0x03 Subterranean ruin
0x04 Roman freezer
0x05 ! 
0x06 Subway ride
0x07 Main station
0X08 Cathedral road
0x09 Cathedral
0x0A Bell Tower
0x0B Bell Chamber
0x0C Final Boss/Omake
0x0D Good ending
0x0E Bad ending

I do this out of the love for the game