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A member registered Jun 02, 2022

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oh ok, the progress bar felt unintuitive to me, so it seemed like a mistake, but sure, i suppose it works just fine that way too. 

dont know who aria is. i cant believe i missed something in this game

wow ok, that investment system needs some work, cuz oh boy was it easy to abuse. i just worked day after day, investing every penny when it was low (like under $5) then the day it hits something like $12 or above, i sold it all. do that like 2 or 3 times and you basically have infinite money.

other things of note. the progress bar doesn't seem to be working as intended. it only keeps track of 0 to 100 of full level. not keeping track of indvidual levels. though you probably already know that. and its a million times better than nothing so im not complaining of its flawed inclusion at all.

double potions was a complete waste of time and money, as its not an option to use in your bathroom.

also, the big maid cafe job doesn't tell you how much it makes. ($150 btw everyone)

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like other people have said, earn more money from being bigger. it does seem to happen but its not super noticeable and it seems to plateau at like lv 2 or 3 of one aspect. should be a little more significant at the higher levels

higher levels in general. max of 4 for each makes the game super super short. kinda the whole point of the game is to grow so why make such a short limit? i figure higher levels are coming down the line, but if it were me, that would be the number one priority

a change to how the potions work. it should be way more clear how many you need to level up. so we don't waste money on a small potion that never makes a dent. or a big potion when a couple smalls would have done the job. all we really need is a number out of 10 or 100 of how far we are to the next level.

hmmm...not sure. i think the big thing is, its just gets too hard to keep it going after awhile. not a great way to deal with the problem areas with just shooting  a "blow up" "ball" with the same gravity physics 

if i could just aim exactly where i want it to go, passed other orbs, that would help alot. like just planting a bomb, instead of shooting one

as it is. after awhile, there are just too many orbs stick unfused between other orbs. basically everywhere. and sometimes i can make some progress but usually its just overwhelms. obviously thats just how the game works. not that it shouldn't. but i find its just a little too hard to keep it going. 

maybe i haven't play it enough though. i just dont like the art very much, so i dont have alot of motivation 

yeah its still not exactly fun. though id say the gameplay is a million times less frustrating. art work could be better though

gameplay is very very tight, the window to doage is very small. just have to learn the timing. 

you cant increase your health but you can by health potions. you can heal between every fight. sell items you get from beating foes, then you can buy potions, so after youve beaten a few or so, the games gets alot easier.

and, well, therse not much to the game after you become leader. its kinda just over at that point. some side stuff to do i think but not much. game is a bit overpriced for what it is. even at the 4 dollar sale

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all good. i was a little harsh. i guess i didnt need to call it dumb

wow, this is just nothing to the free demo right now. and its not going to be continued? what was even the point of releasing the stupid thing. just a waste of my time. maybe there is more to it at the 5 dolor download but why would i buy an unfished dead game?

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i get it, game dev is hard. but like i said, i needed to vent. its hardly panning his game. its just super frustrating to try over and over again, getting nowhere close to what i want to see. its annoying. i dont like it, and i think it should be changed 

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edit: this game is frustrating.

i have beaten the demo, i have all the artifacts to boost every pregnancy effect and what not (really should be able to use all of them at the same time. very tedious to switch between them constantly). i have maxed out all of the blessing stats. all of them. and i got favored clients for both characters in the brothel. got both characters to the "to the moon" level before sex (way to hard to get to that level by the way). had the sex. saved before the inn. i have the artifact to increase the chance of multiple babies. i dont know how the conditions could be any better. at my level of understanding of this game, these are the best conditions i can have

AND EVEN STILL. i cant get more than 3 babies on a characters . almost every time its just 1 baby for both characters. sometimes 2 for 1 character and the other is just 1. and very rarely 3. getting 4  just seems way too tedious to try. 

like the whole point of the game is to see this stuff. more or less. at least in regards to the porn aspect. so why is it soo hard to get that level. if i beat the game, it should be relatively easy to see it. i thought that was the whole point of having the special artifacts, but no. even with them, it seems near impossible. i get that its kind of a extra surprise thing left only for thoes that beat the game, you dont want people just get it right away. but if i beat the game and maxed everything out, i should be able to see it if i want to. but no, i have to mindlessly restart my game 10000 times to see it. thx alot.

plz up the percent chance rates for the artifacts. it is way too low

so i came back to the game. after played it some more after the update. new storage really streamlines the mana gathering. that plus unlocking just 1 extra mana seed plot and now ive found the real bottle neck to the grind is the fact you cant sell potions very easily, i had like 7 mana potions and 2 greater mana potions, total vaule of 130 gold but cant sell much very fast. only one npc can buy the greater potion, and most of the npc that buy, regularly only buy 1 or 2. one buys 3, but all the npc, except for one that buys only 1,  70% of the time decline. its super tedious. couple this with the fact that the the potion quests almost always need different color potions, and it just becomes the biggest bottle neck by far. like i say before, unlocking the other colors is a bit pricy but honestly wouldn't  really be an issue of not for the potion selling bottle neck

also, game is buggy. ive had to start a save over cuz of a soft lock with the mana transfer and mana conversation not working. just an fyi

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games is way too grindy. most quest you just cant do in the start either cuz its a type you cant make yet, or. its just too many potions you cant make in a day, best way to sell is just to use the town folk but its annoying to have to walk all over town just to get a "sorry come back tomorrow". if you can only make one type you should only gets quests of that type. 

and 500 gold to unlock the next cave is just too much. i can max out the breast size well before i make that much. personly, it kinda defeats the point for to keep going. theres just too many anyoing little things to have to keep doing just to sell a couple potions for 10g a pop, and that makes trying to grind for 500 not really worth it. i get they you want to have lots of different micro manage-y things to do (point of it being a game and all), but it all just little too much, for how slowly you progress. might keep going with it but im gonna need some good youtube in the background to keep me going

Tothehole community · Created a new topic Controls plz

this game is kinda fucking stupid. i pressed every goddam key on the keyboard and none of them do anything but move the charater. half the button the menu screen dont even work. untill this game is gets some support it belong the fucking trash. waste of my time. super frustrating 

im a bit lost on how to progress through certain doors/hallways 

one on stage 1 the room with the rope, there is a door thats locked but i cant open it with picks, (i thought maybe i have to down a orc, but no way to do that in this stage and no way to come back later) there is also another locked door by the stage exit i cant open. 

stage 2 upstairs, there is a cage door with note of "abstinence" so i asume i need to have abstinence but how do i do that? i thought the statue would do that for me but no. i dont know. do i just need to get there with no "orc resets" and no reloading continues?

then stage 3 there is a sigil on the wall in a hallway that binds her up and give a game over but there is a door past it. can i even get past it?

ive already beaten all the stages so far released, i just dont want to missout on any content that might be here

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game is cool, but very buggy, multiple times i try to interact with a door (i got equipment) or a item and game just does nothing. (one time the game fixed itself but most times not) its also sucks when i get a dialog prompt but before i can respond she interacts with a item and i lose out it. one spot that kept happening with me with the skeleton. i just gave up on it.  

another spot i was interacting with a tight spot, trying to get her to keep going when shes too big. then the dialog just stops when i know she suppose to be say "i cant rip my suit" (was hoping for a new art image if i kept pushing her, i get the feeling there isn't one though)

also, the gallery is bugged for me, it only shows her as flat for all the modular images (the opposite of what i like)(and why not have the option to change her if the images are in the game already) i also got a flat image of her in a mission on the hard shrooms before i took the flat shrooms 

nit picks aside. it was still cool. really want to play more

as you've said, the game is kind of overpriced right now. it ended just as it seemed like it was gonna ramp up and get interesting

can you give a rough guess to when the next big update is coming? like best guess how many months?  i know it can be hard to say but just a guess would be nice

and honestly id rather have more content then bug fixes