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Hi! This is a simple template for Unity of how to use Mirage Networking with Master Server Toolkit 4.
This template is in active development and will be often updated. All the update you can download from official page https://aevien.itch.io/classic-real-time-strategy
What is it for?
If you wish to create your own classic real time strategy game but do not know what begin from so this template is for you. This template is already includes:
- command system,
- building system,
- resources system.
- unit system
- store system
Look at Dune The Battle for Arrakis and you will understand what I am talking about.
Please do not hesitate to ask me about some questions.
Follow the discord link and I will help you to start https://discord.gg/ECJSX9s
Hi! Its new name will be Master Server Toolkit. I'm currently creating site and new documentation. https://master-toolkit.com/
Master Server Toolkit 4 is coming!
The system of traders is completed. What they can and how they sell and buy goods:
- Each trader's merchandise appears either at the start level or randomly.
- There is a kind of rarity of the goods.
- Merchants have their own price setting system, the so-called coefficient. For example, the coefficient of selling the goods to players 1 - 1.5, then if the product costs 50 rubles, the sum is multiplied by this coefficient, which is selected in the interval between 1 - 1.5. The same is true when buying goods from players, respectively, then the coefficient is less than 1. All this is constantly changing, there is a so-called currency rate. Of course, we need to adjust all this so that there is a balance in the game.
- Traders are assigned their own name, which is displayed when the purchase window is opened.
The crafting system has been completed. At the moment the following works:
- Creating items for money. You pay the NPC to ensure that, as an expert, he does what you need, with the money and the necessary material. In the image, the example with the "Chemist" shows that the craft recipe has a price, and the necessary items are indicated below it.
- Create items for free. Create new items from other available items.

This project is my dream, it is developing in Unity Game Engine. I want players to create their own life in game, also administrators of that servers could create a game rules of their own. If my dream will come true it will be great.
Short project story
The nuclear war has already ended over 20 years ago. The Earth covered with endless winter. That is why people come in colonies to survive. You are one of them, one of few thousands alive.
The game events take place on the Russian territory. You live in community and solve daily tasks to help yourself and others to save remained human race. But there are some colonies that has no humanity, they are hostile. You have to avoid of them. You are also have to avoid another people, we call them "Wilds".
What does the game give you?
The game is developing like a role play maker service.
- You, as an administrator of the game, can make your own gameplay with tools that one gives you. Just create your own server room and make what you want. Animals, merchants and others game entities can be placed to game at start of server, when you setting it up, or during gameplay, when players are playing.
- The game has a huge number of loot objects.
- You can also play this game just as a player. No need to setup your own server or make another actions. There are several servers made with standard settings for you and your friends. Just select one and play
Game page: https://aevien.itch.io/the-colony-ever-frost
Steel Fury is a game about the conquest of new planet known as New Earth
A large number of game levels of all kinds. The game takes place in summer and winter.
The enemies have a powerful weapon, which you will need to destroy. Tanks, guns and aircraft will hinder you fulfill your purpose.
Performing tasks you will get achievements that allow you to improve your battle tank.
At your disposal there is a good tank, but earning money by performing tasks you can get more powerful kind of tanks.
We are opening a new era of games for children and adults, this clicker helps pass the time. The task of the game - to return the egg back to the nest constantly pressing on the screen. To save the egg you'll have to carry dizzying stunts, dodging collisions. Amazing time killer!
Egg - it's your character, it fell out of the nest, or maybe someone has dropped it, it does not matter, you must feel the desire to help him to return.