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A Familiar Nightmare

A member registered Nov 29, 2021 · View creator page →

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Not at all! I found it really funny lol. I particularly loved Delilah's voice 😆

There are 3 main endings. There's a good, neutral and bad ending... but depending on some of your choices, there is the possibility that some of these endings may change slightly :) 

I probably shouldn't give too much away, but my focus was on trying to make it as replayable as possible :) 

Thank you so much! I'm really happy to hear that you're enjoying the game so far. I watched your stream and absolutely loved it. It was nice to see you researching the different parts of Edinburgh throughout :) 

Since it was a question raised during the stream, I used to be a tour guide and I studied tourism at university, so I wanted to include some of these little pieces of information that I picked up :) 

Thank you once again! 

Thank you so much! I'm really happy to hear that you enjoyed it. 

The art was made through machine learning from real life photos :) 

Yeah, I'm sorry about the lack of music and sound effects. I did intend on adding them in but unfortunately I was running out of time to submit to the game jam :(

Thank you so much! It's really encouraging to hear that you enjoyed the game, especially since it's my first attempt at making one. I also missed the equivalent of two weeks of the competition so I had to cut down on a lot of content I had planned originally (music, sound effects, side quests and other things). I really appreciate the feedback!

Yay! I'm really happy to hear that you enjoyed it. Thank you so much for playing it :)

Oh dear. That's very strange indeed as it seems to work fine on my end. I'll look into this some more and see if there's anything I can do. Thank you for letting me know, and I'm sorry that it didn't work for you :(