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A member registered Aug 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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This is good for me on the worldmap screen, but when i open menu or go in a battle everything is messed up i use 272 x 208 resolution for 16x16 pixel . how do i make this work differently in battle or menu, should i use another plugins?

désolé si tu as eu de la difficulté, il fallais parler a la maison du haut dans le village, la curiosité du joueur naturellement devrais t'amener dans le village(je me disais) la il t'est expliquer la quete de sauver la lightning wizard pris dans le dungeon.

hm tu doit liberer la lightning wizard et tenter de continuer, cela donne la fin du jeux car le jeux n'est pas developper apres la grotte.
tu as ramasser les 3 orb et les a bien placer bien sur?

yes many yanfly plugins, i forgot to name that too.

yep, sorry for that, i have no idea what to do.

i think my project is bugged though.

i am not sure i will be able to finish it on time.

is the only music allowed that of RTP?