you're right!
Recent community posts
I want to help answer your question but I’m still learning English, so I’ll do my best to explain things clearly. If anything I say comes across the wrong way, I’m sorry, that’s not my intention at all.
To answer your question, playing the game doesn’t automatically make anyone a furry. People enjoy games for all kinds of reasons: great stories, fun gameplay, or just the art style, everyone’s experience is different, and it’s perfectly okay to enjoy something without it defining who you are. If you’re curious about the furry community, that’s great, And if you’re just here for the adventure and story, that’s great too! The most important thing is to enjoy what you love without feeling pressured to label yourself and I hope you have a good day
hey just look at it this way, the next episode is almost finished! Since this episode will likely be a good, lengthy one, it might be a good idea to take a break for a month or two, or as long as you want. Also, if you have any ideas for the game and need an example of how it could look, just message me on Discord at afhs18teiasalt. feel free to ask for anything.
Hey! I totally get it if you say no, but I’d like to help with the game. Here’s the thing: I’m not great at finding or fixing problems in the code, but I can spot issues while playing the game. I would take a long time because I’d want to check every little thing in the gameplay. I usually have about 7 hours of free time each day, unless I have to work extra. Also, I'm not sure how to let a developer know if I find a problem, especially if it’s something that could really mess up the game. I wouldn’t want to just post here saying, "Hey, I found a bug at this spot that could cause big trouble." I want to help, but I don’t expect anything in return, unlike the developers. I just want to pitch in for now while things are tough.
im now just realizing that is true, i would give an example but i do not want to say almost anything right at the game download or where you can play it because it would be giving away gameplay but if you ever need to talk me in privet you can find me on discord, if you ever do need to im afhs18teiasalt and that is only for discord