I would love to know the code for the cave blossom to the right of this one :)
Recent community posts
I played through the first day, looking around the map and talking to the characters. I think this game has a lot of potential! The color palette and the characters are really great. I find the controls and movement a bit clunky though, and the environment graphics are a bit flat. I am interested in seeing how it develops!
This game is stunning in its simplicity and (now) balance between relaxing and strategy. I also love that the maps are dynamically generated, which adds to replayability! This is honestly one of my favourite games on itch, and I can't wait to see where it goes from here.
Constructive Criticism:
I do second TemplarFreak's note about the fyrnbos, I've definitely had to restart a level because there weren't enough trees.
I also think that the green color for the outline of valid tiles and the text makes it blend in to the point of illegibility--maybe a yellow would be better?
Really really great!! I have played through two whole warehouses!
I do have some suggestions though, since the challenge modes seem too basic:
- a greyscale challenge mode
- a black and white challenge mode
- an outline-only challenge mode (like the icons on the loading screen)
- a timeless chill mode where you can organize as much as you want and then request more deliveries when you're ready
- maybe a challenge mode with less blocks but more unmoveable corners and boundaries?
These would make the game so much more layered and interesting!! Thank you for considering them, and I'd love to hear what you think!