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A member registered Nov 13, 2022

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guys code

(3 edits)

guy do ik u and why u cursing. Idk who u are idc whoever u are and mind your business. Like did i invite you to comment to my question that i asked someone else  not you. U npc u bot and fuk you fuking witch doctor. U fuking gusty

Idk u so exit from my presence and btw mind your business u fuk ngl 

Guys this guy witch doctor is cussing at me when idk him. Lmao  and ur the irrelevant guy here. No offense bro but u curse. Like who are u 

(1 edit)

ohh my god  okinoma u said red was close in match when i was blue and you stayed up for red. Ima real AGENTEAGLEYT381 he is not real not original and he is a fraud and he copyrighted my name skin and my words. Such a bot 

Cmon guys join 34GB

(2 edits)

Guys join 34GB guys then i will 1v1 so then you guys know that i am the real AGENTEAGLEYT381 arghh cmon guys 

wtf do you want. And bro whats with the emoji bro. I am mad and ur emoji is representing that ur laughing and for you bro is funny when i am mad that someone copied my name and those people are fakes and ur laughing bro

(7 edits)

see okinoma bro those are the fake ones bro. I am the real one bro and those people are copyrighting my name to make you guys think its me and the one whos playing with a little thing is the fake one bro. I am the original me real AGENTEAGLEYT381 bro. Fuk those fake AGENTEAGLEYT those fake copy named, not real not original  fraud AGENTEAGLEYTs

 AGENTEAGLEYTs  little  fakes and  i am so mad because all of u guys now think they are the real AGENTEAGLEYTs not me even i am the real AGENTEAGLEYT381 and they are not so now u guys are best friends with them not me. Arghhh them. Okinoma do code and i will show how angry i am.

Liars and copies guys

And the other copies don’t have itch so i am the real AGENTEAGLEYT381 guys

see this is me 

He is the fake

No my names not agenteagleyt it’s AGENTEAGLEYT381 

Guys code

code guys

guys code

guys code

guys code guys

bro no offense ur 9% lol bro

guys code guys

(1 edit)

huh bowboi and shiny train guys are u joining 7ngp guys

(1 edit)

Bro 7ngp shiny train and i actually don’t beg for codes bro. I jus ask other people cuz i can and i am not free all time so i ask before i do my homework then i play 

guys code

guys join 7ngp


guys code

so okinoma bro code :p

guys code

(1 edit)

guys quick johnny is in the game and he with his silly roasts again i am roasting him too but i need everyone ok guys 

join pgg6

guys another code guys

ok guys thx guys

guys code

guys code

guys code

Guys code

guys code

guys join r8qf guys

Join r8qf guys 

join ccck guys