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A member registered Sep 11, 2023

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 one of  the better games I purchsed  on here. Glad I bought and played it before every wannabe youtuber made a video about it.
I think what happened with this game is horrible though and whoever stole it for their own game should have their eyes eatten out by crows and then their body shoule be thrown off a bridge. Create your OWN shit- Stop stealing idiots.

frrrrr lol

This was a really good little game- I like games that are just like point and click- and this was really good. COULD of been creepier- but what you did here was GREAT! Wish it was longer, but thats just because it was so good! <3

 Absolutely LOVE this cute little gem! Reminds me of the cozy little addicting games I use to play on the computer back in high school. Love the chickens.

 Super cute, FUN, and ADDICTING- Played for 6 hours the first time I started it up.<3 


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I ABSOLUTELY LOVE CHEEKY CHOOKS! I have been playing this game ever since I first got my computer- over a year ago! 

Its lots of fun, you get to create your own little chicken villiage and collect loads and loads of colorful chickens like critters! I love SOOO many of the different designs! I also love that even if you forget to log on and "feed" them, They will still alive and well next time you hop on. It even tells you how many days, hours, and minutes its been since your last login. Theres even a few little mini games within the game itself. Theres one where some of your Cheeky Chooks have put on hats- and you have to find all the chooks wearing hats- Another one is to Smash the pumpkins that started sprouting up on you farm randomly. 

  Anyway- if  you like farming, virtual pet gams, or even like building games- Check out Cheeky Chooks! Its alot of fun and you'll soon be trying to collect all the different chickens!

This was really fun lol we all took turns playing it until we got all the endings haha was creative! Wish more women would decide to make PC Games to show off their skimpy outfits than just posting pics online lol the world would be a better place <3

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Cool. Love atmospheric horror games! Was worried it would be way too similar to the "Sleep Experiment" demo that came out a month or so ago- (based on the same sleep experiment as this game) Cool for a little free game tho! also- love how everyone associates that horrible cheap halloween prop as the image for this subject lol I have one. he came from party city LMAO

 I suffer from schizophrenia and wasn't sure if I wanted to play this game or not. I'm glad I played it. In the end its not going to be possible to make a game that has EVERY schizophrenics symptoms or personal experiences but the dev picked some of the more common symptoms to go off. The hallucinations, hearing things, and the confusion in general. Anyway, I liked it and think you could def add more to this! <3


awesome music!!

How in the hell does anyone a make a rounded shape?  I'm not sure if its just MY computer or what but I tried for over two hours and could not make a round eye on a pumkin, so it kinda bummed me out. Why can't there be like a way of carving that your not flagged with errors constantly??

I liked this, I really did. I just wished it was a little longer, and maybe had some story elements. AND maybe a little gore lol. That instantaneous cut up of the body was a bit too fast. Should of had the player cut off each limb and then the head by itself, Would of added an extra minute or two to the game. I was sad when it ended so quick. <3

This one was cool I really liked it. Love how it showed fishies and stuff but if your that far underwater your not going to see fishies swiming around lol and you got what I call the "oceangate dilema" If you get a leak that far down your cabins pressure is compromised causing well... BOOM or SMASH lol. But I know they were just trying to add more content to an already existing concept and I was good!! Keep up the awesomness dev! 

I was in love with this game from the first time I saw someone play the demo on youtube.- So I went and found the demo and then waited what felt like an eternity for the game to release.  I love mundane task horror games, you get so into doing the repetitive tasks that when a scare happens it really slams you. And this game has tons and tons of random scares that can happen at any time that make no two play throughs identical. The game was awesome enough with the original endings, but  now they added another one that really hits the story alot farther out of the park. Theres alot of story scenes you have to catch to get the full story of whats going on, but if you can brave it out and keep playing you'll love the game too. So many quick crazy things happen that you'll be questioning yourself, like Did that really just happen? omg, did I really see that? Was that guy in the damn cabinet?!?! lol great game though!

  I'm not sure if Ichio has the latest updated version or not yet, but now your even able to change the demons aggression level. You can play how its normally supposed to be, All the way down to where its basically non-existent and you just get story scenes, or all the way up to max aggression so your literally getting slammed and jumpscared every other second. Its great, so now even the chickens can play lol 

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Really cute. My son caught me looking at itch and picked this one for us to play before bedtime. (perfect length for a before bedtime game) I guess I mean if your kiddo isn't jumpy lol. We both loved it. He was laughing hysterically the whole time. 

my 4 year old played it, and he just laughed the whole time. but hes seen me play mortuary assistant- so this wouldn't phase him. 

This was freaking great! Not a long, super special story game or anything. But It was just a short little game to freak out my little sister lol Thanks Much!

  This is without a doubt, the best spot the difference style horror game I have seen yet! If your a fan of the Mandela Catalogue you have to try this!! Its so crazy I love it!
 Yes it sucks the dev has pretty much abandoned it at this point, but hey stuff happens and things come up. 
  Even though the game is not finished and theres no plans to finish it in the near future, Its still a great game, and I think it was finished enough to put up on Steam for like a few bucks.  This dev did an awesome job, and captured the Mandela Catalogues creepyness perfectly with this one!

  This game was crazy fun and addicting! I spent all night playing even though I knew I should of been sleeping. I honestly wasn't expecting it to be as scary as it was

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I really liked this game for the most part. I really liked how it looked like an old N64 game! One thing I didn't like was that when you were looking for onions outside of the village, the 'monster' would just camp outside of whatever hole you hid in. So the second you pop out to continue your search, it gets you and you die. Thankfully it didn't make you start all the way from zero onions again but it was annoying having to spend over an hour on one part of a short game. -


 Just had another issue. So I took the scooter over to the hole in the wall behind hoppers house at night on my way to look for the onions. I tried to drive it through the hole into the dark area but the scooter vanished from under me. I looked around for it and it was right where the wall was, like glitched into the wall. I went and found the ok onions then tried to get on it to ride it out and there's no way to get on it. You either just walk right back into the dark area, or back out into the village. So I stead of wasting more time I just walked home and then returned when it was light out. Now even though the guard is there, I we as still able to click to ride the scooter but as soon as I did it took me into the dark again and said I was there to get mushrooms. I'm like what? Since when an I looking for mushrooms? When I tried to exit it won't let me because 'I still have to find 4 mushrooms!' But since I never went through the part of the game explaining the mushrooms or where to get them, there are not any. They never spawned because I never had the text about them. But I can't leave until I find then and I can't find them because they were never there lol 

  It really is a cute, fun, and even scary game if you don't break it by doing something stupid. Play it!- just don't drive your hamster scooter into the dark forest. It will cause too many problems and you'll have to start all over again. Was my 4th time resetting the game.


So cute. If you've lost a dog recently it will mean something to you. I didn't lose a dog. I just thought it looked cute so I played it.