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Salu2! Super! Cool game - looks and sounds great. 

I appreciate it.  I personally compose and play keyboard and sax for mostly cumbia but other Latin Jazz genres as well. Learning to make music for the Gameboy was a challenge to learn but I really enjoy it now.  Being limited to 4 tracks, limited sounds, and building a song on a spreadsheet is a bit wild.  But it works :)

Salu2! Thank you. I have been a cumbia musician and animator for many years and am getting into coding games recently.  A colleague and close friend Ivan Flores and his band Discos Resaca Collective composed the soundtrack for the Curandera game and film.  I have some more cumbia themed games scheduled for release in October and November this year.  

Really cool game! Love the liminal surreal and strange setting.  The art gallery in game is really wild! 

Impressive GameBoy Game! The colors, sprites and background work are all really creative, cohesive, and detailed.  Great job, lots of fun!

This is really fun. The multiple playable characters are great.  Wall jumping is smooth. The sprites and backgrounds look amazing. Both retro and contemporary.  Well made. The waterfalls that overlap the player, and some of the backgrounds are sweet.

Game looks and plays great.  Cute and fun. 

Impressive demo! Gameplay reminiscent of Megaman / Metroidvania and really runs smooth. Beautiful sprites and backgrounds. The colors are great. 

This is turning out great!  Smooth battle system!