I cannot, for the life of me... figure out how to meet Hex. None of the guides help lol... how do you find and start hex's interactions... something about meeting gangs but I don't know how tos tart that or if I'l accidentally skip it.
Recent community posts
time to put my thoughts in.
1) Jump height is way too low.
2) There is no willie air-time, which combined with the unclear sprite run animation often leadsm e to just run off cliffs
3) The first big worm after the gate has an impossible jump so if you fail the shortcut jump you're soft locked (Improved jump height and willie airtime should help)
4) struggle mechanic is currently *WAY* too hard. Remove E and Q from the list because c'mon... and mayhaps make struggle give you way more impact or the swallow be way less strong because without bumping the modifier to 3x, it's impossible to struggle out without destroying your hand.
Suggestions for the future release -
give the enemies a stomach that can deal progressive damage if unable to struggle out (maybe have a digestion toggle as well?)
Have some way for stamina to be useful outside of just being swallowed.