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A member registered Nov 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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most fun game in the jam imo. cool patterns especially on ganon and it's enjoyable to play overall. a little too easy with the amount of bombs imo

couldn't access ending

movement is quite polished, the block mechanic is implemented well

i got stuck in a wall

(1 edit)

i finished this one lol 

played as the girl, not sure if there's differences

cute graphics. congrats on making everything custom. the adventure game parts were interesting, i assume you'd have more puzzles and things with more time

shooting was kind of rough. i noticed you could end up moving really fast if you run for a while but all the combat required you to stop and back up a lot. might be better if there was a constant fast speed with no acceleration

i was confused by the controls at first. down does most things including seeing the next dialogue box. i would assume space would do that

good boss AI but so difficult

you're a monster

interesting mix of games

cute mix of the two games. good level design with fun secrets and puzzles. 

i had a hard time getting used to the controls. couldn't get my fingers  Z/A/S nicely and the mouse controlled eggs meant i usually ran past guys instead of grabbing the mouse to shoot them

cute mega man style game. ness is a little slippery and there's some parts where i couldn't tell where the ground was for jumps

cute idea. 

idk what i'm doing i just did the falling items mini game

it froze after the second time

clever idea and good implementation tho i had trouble finding the rhythm on some stages (kirby)

the cave level is hard
i got stuck because i went left at the start of a level

On a tip from an anonymous source, Wario journeys to ancient China in search of Yuan Shao's treasure. Can YOU help him survive the war of three kingdoms?

Enter - Start Game

Arrow Keys - Move

Z - Jump

X - Tackle

C - Parry

Experiment to find different moves like the speedy dash jump!

I got an ending involving a book but I skipped past it too fast to read what was going on

There was a lot of walking and text and very little gameplay so I think this has the potential to be an indie darling

Neat platformer. I liked punching things. I wish the screen was bigger so I would not get lost in every level

Kool game especially the graphics and presentation. Some neat enemy patterns too

I did not like the random item system. If you get a mushroom you have basically won automatically, and if you get a pumpkin you can go to hell because the pumpkin is worse than nothing

Pretty cool, reminds me of super mario world except it isn't terrible so it's not that much like SMW

The whistle is mouse controlled. We'd like to add some explanation of the controls but we couldn't get that in for the game jam