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A member registered May 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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Great concept for a game, and I think it matches the theme perfectly! However I do agree with everyone else on the graphics and audio side. Also, the movement threw me off a little bit, wasn't expecting to keep moving for a half second or so after letting go of a key, but I got used to it :)

I think introducing different "worlds" that have a set of levels and music matching a theme (e.g. Space, Temple, Mountains, etc) would reduce monotony and make things more interesting. This is only a suggestion though, you do you!

Great job!

After you enter your name you press Enter to start.

Once you're in the game "E" is the interact key to cycle through dialogue and get out of the house

Where is it hanging? Can you choose a name after clicking New Game? You have to press enter once you enter your name.