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A member registered Sep 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the kind words. It was a bit rushed since I started 3 days late for this jam due to personal reasons, so I wish I had been able to pump out more levels with a slightly more gradual skill curve. But yeah thank you! :]

Yeah they collide off of each other as well as walls. And they accelerate in the direction they WERE moving, every time a new one is shot. Don't worry it isn't just you. Since I didn't have time to add a legitimate endless mode for the jam, the "campaign" is fairly difficult. I can get to the midway quite consistently, but the later half is brutal, as is the... "surprise" that was alluded to at the end in the tutorial lol. This was the first game jam I ever participated in, my time management has always been very poor so I just wanted to pump something out. I do appreciate you trying the game out though. ^_^