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A member registered Jul 05, 2020

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there some kind error then, lucky i make save lot data

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I finish game, i got Memory stone.My question how i get get 3rd CG ?

i see,it seem i missing something main story i need to climb Volcano to gain item.Thx u Tsukumon

How i get Takepachi event Top ? MC always got bottom.Also i almost got all ending only Takepachi i didnt get, did i miss something ???

i unlock 2rd CG,how i unlock 1st CG ???

Any clue how to finish main story ???

Any chance make android vers ??

Any chance make Android vers ???

Wait when i check their missing some item inside folder,i download again and replace all file then its worked.. Sorry bother u ^^ and thx reply my massage 

I have problem here when i enter Guardian Ground all dark screne,i cannot see my character only seen dialog only,please help me

I hope u can traslate more ^

nah,just forget it i saying ^^

i have full vers, make me coffuse to play it.

Does your full vers too ? 

If i buy japanese full game does have english ?

Its oc,take your time..

I will wait patient

There were error when i enter Day 3.. 

I play on android vers...

search Kuugo and Ainzen

ofcouse u can join we can chat..

I dont have discord sorry...

U can ask Naoky tell u how to use it,hope we can met there together ^^

Hey there Resbach its me,long time no see..

I hope u are fine btw i already test using joiplay its doenst work doesnt Supports.

I think not renply system 

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mine Ainzen my pic Barrel Takemoto san art 

Maybe need number phone and country where u stay so i can add u

My +62 877 49307666

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well they want make wonderfull story so we enjoy read their story..

Just be patient,im sure they will make it soon 

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if u have telegram we can chat from there ^^

OMG Poli dog release this month heheheh i can wait play it full vers did u check on Telgram..

well only hav 44 people join telegram unfortunelly no android port game... i like After class and Tennis ace.. If i dont mistake Khemia was new story of Adastra 

Well lets hope so ^^ 

Btw did u play GYEE ? If u dont know GYEE its was Rpg turn base with a lot of guy few women hehehehe

The best visual novel i like Nekojishi also next year Game Disguise release i like creator i wish to play it next year

not too worry if u wanted play free i know where to get it if u hav Telegram 

Furry Game Archives

around 15 or 30 days He update everymonth

Arashi was New character from HD vers

Thats mean there 4 character route story 


If u hav pc u can download play it HD vers

U dont know Arashi ? He was chief i mention before He travel around the world but he feel lonely... you can check this..

Btw if i dont mistake last time i read My dear huband Uni and Danna hav mysterious black egg 

Seiya removed only HD vers,He replace by Arashi 

O hyes there a new game i play right now its called Polidog Patrol not Polidog from kids show heheheh

This game make by Rpg maker its so fun.. But only Japanese im stuck doesnt know what to do next quest ^^ but still so fun.. This game created by Game Benki wars.. 

Benki wars also fun its combine visual novel and shooting plane( But not anmo they shoot but using poo to destory enmies hahahaha) still japanese no enlgish text heheheh

that not bear He was dog

He was chief who travel around the world but he feel lonely acutually He was not gay first time.. 

I wish the creator make 2 and 3 Hd if i dont mistake Yuujiro brown dog was remake new one also Seiya was removed from older vers.. Im curious Rai San Remake vers but, i think the creator didnt make it right now he focus make new story tell Knight academy .This game can get only from Potreon..

Hehehe im glad u like it...

Im usually read manga but most i like visual novel such as Nekojishi and Lounge Lagoon 

Too bad Lagoon doesnt have android port i wish to play it my favorite Furry Linhu from Nekojishi and Rai from Lounge Lagoon 

read from hitomi i send u then,read from tiger general who late meeting ^^ Tiger general will tell his story first about he and his king on thone Room..

Im also hope he okay..

Just suddenlly gone

Well i hope u enjoy if u want see manga furry why dont try this

U will find comic some hav english some hav jap try searching General Secret Meeting ^& ^ 

U will love him this manga created by Taiwan person he every month update 

His twitter name Kourney14 

Story tell Lion king hav some fun with 5 general hihihi

I have bad news Resbach gone i dont know what happen to him or someone hack him T.T

But dont worry i know where to get them

Sport visual novel tell Repoter news sport get Mysterious Ring that can Change Order or hynotis Person ^^.. While Samurai Rpg telll a monk journey with 3 friends to banish curse from Head monk..

Its Rpg turn base its so fun also there hav CG u love it

Resbach just update new game im already play them  Sports visual novel and Rpg Story Samurai its so fun ^^.. only Wind of Change need point to unlock the game 

Im curious Otake hav 2 personalty,He can be quit type and Rage type wheater if someone naughty to him,i wonder if his little brother naughty to him does his Rage mode to him hahahaha just like Manager Gym guy or Ray ^^

Well Otake was make sure that thing was safe or not because,he care his little brother i think ^^

Yeah if i dont mistake its called EX File 

First Ex File Otake got slime and copy himself

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Hahaha newest one Ray Draw on paper then put black paper into his eyebrow ^^ Just like Otake Eyebrow

I like both of them Also Barrel Takemoto san Hero he draw cowboy style Heheheh