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A member registered Mar 27, 2022

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good map :) 39.137, ill keep looking for skips fWo >:)

It becomes a little unwatchable after 6 or so run throughs and the mosey system breaks after 4 of those fancy money dudes but I like the funny numbers after that :)

is this a good build?

How do i get to drop pls i really want to hear it


pls make mac version lixan please im sorry i dont have a good computer ilu pls support us poor mac users


I enjoyed this more than AC odyssey, much more charm

I remember the older days where I found a glitch on the ninja guy fight where if a box and a door lined up you would get infinite upgrades until you moved, they started glitching. I was running jogger at the time so I just ended up spamming leg damage. 

I was doing 70-90 damage a kick.

I two shot Jeff bezos.

I did it again running jogger again, but instead went a little further. One shot him with a single jump kick.

Good times.

Game is still fire btw, but I figured I'd share the old glitch.

Ah worked like a charm, Thanks!

Btw been playing since posted, love ur stuff :D

I have encountered a problem where the mac build is stuck on the opening blue screen and nothing happens. What do I do

Monke227a month ago

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also, great game, all who say the drifting is bad have a skill issue.

Skill issue

the flashing on the train when it gets scary is masterful. I love it

I returned to the dog flower after finishing the game, stopped just before the exit screen and turned back. 


UZG comments · Replied to nex in UZG comments

you cant reload after 0 reserve, but you can fire forever. literally. got to 70 rounds by holding fire the entire time. I don't count this as an achievement cos its an exploit.

Dang it of course dev was online when I typed that

unfathomably based baby


literally. inf ammo

(hope dev doesn't see this)

Thanks mate, keep up the good work

Remember how I said I was done? I lied

Bravo six going dark

I reset and played for a bit. 0 DMG.

0 Schlambus - 1 Me

(Navigation was not easy)

Problem: I reset to default setting but forgot to download source

ok last time fr now. good game, deserves to live on. 

-anon user

idk how i managed this tbh, buuut yeah.

Everything is white, except for the character and the enemies, which are a slightly darker shade of white. all effects are one, frequency is max. ow

lmao im still playing this


cool idea, a little tricky but once you figure it out its kinda fun to awkwardly walk this thing around, good job!

Made level 113 with this build, but died cos bullet canister glitched and I had to start reloading it.

-Whatever that stock is +accuracy

- mo' money grip (later replaced with silver grip cos i didn't need mo' money)

- bullet canister + inf bullets

- 3burst trigger (I couldn't find the 5burst)

- quad barrel +3 ammo per shot

- Bouncies + can no longer miss shots

you could prob replace the stock with a fire rate one as the bouncies do not miss, and a 5burst trigger is obviously better, The bullet canister runs out of bullets fast, but only 1 bullet is needed as the 3burst fires 3 * 4 bullets per click. remember to always buy hearts :D

Soooooooo... yeah

I think the game is semi-procedural, kinda like Minecraft, its a little random. so it has to load in the entire pit. I thought the bar was based on how much you smacked the dummy, but its a loading screen. 

very clever.

Aight this was my final run, it took a bit longer. This comment section is wayy too empty, but if any new players show up, practice with the drumsticks, the tech is really fun and you understand the timings better. 

Good game overall :)

aaand beat it as an unplayable disgusting bitcrush pallette

Going for orange next

Aight well I did it again, still nothing. What's meant to happen? (it doesn't bother me, it's about the journey not the destination!

i gave myself gold drumsticks btw

Lol ill do it again, this is more replayable than dark souls

Nice job man

I... did it. Now what?

aight this is good. The animations, The art, the sounds, the gameplay. I love it! also, Can you add sound alerts for those who play on silent

lol wtf i went through the portal and discovered a... certain place. nice job, I was properly terrified when I suddenly teleported to [REDACTED]

The first two, the "Where's my pipe?" and the smoke are pretty easy to dodge, the trick with the letters are to wait for three letters then go up or down, then wait another and go down from up or up from down, and so on. working on monday mode, wow its hard

v nice so far, but on trackpad and cant shoot! pls make key rebind option in pause menu

I did in this game what i did when i played that game - abused the hell out of the range of the weapons

yey 10/10 game

(1 edit)

Awesome pilot sim! Where do I go after everything is destroyed? and how do I land

wel made, kinda fun, but wayy too dark. That's all. pls less dark so I can see