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A member registered Feb 22, 2020

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Congrats, it looks great!

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I already knew about this cuz I follow you on Twitter but anyway, I just wanted to congratulate you and  tell you once again that this is wonderful news to lots of people like me who love your games!!!  You are amazing!

I really enjoyed this VN. I need a Bruce in my life.

Great, so my favorite FVN is dead. And even if they bring another writer, a move that might take years,  it probably won't be as good as the previous guy.

Perhaps once TheEchoProject begins losing Patreon subscribers and funding they'll realize that most people don't actually care about Twitter drama, or petty, asinine, utterly irrelevant quarrels, as much as the actual products they're contributing the fruit of their labor to.

You destroyed one of the best FVN because its objectively good writer posted a bunch of dumb and childish opinions that could've been easily ignored.

I've lost all of my faith in this project and that's devastating, I earnestly wish you can prove me wrong and bring a person who can AT LEAST MAINTAIN the quality of George's writing and style.  But I don't think that'll ever happen.

RIP one of the, if not, THE BEST, FVN .

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Literally screwing TSR fans and supporters to please people who don't even like the VN or NSFW VNs at all and who will, most likely,  keep on hating this superb project even though they got rid of George.

And I say this as someone who loves SFW novels and Cienie.

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Great, so my favorite FVN is dead. And even if they bring another writer, a move that might take years,  it probably won't be as good as the previous guy.

Perhaps once TheEchoProject begins losing Patreon subscribers and funding they'll realize that most people don't actually care about Twitter drama, or petty, asinine, utterly irrelevant quarrels, as much as the actual products they're contributing the fruit of their labor to.

You destroyed one of the best FVN because its objectively good writer posted a bunch of dumb and childish opinions that could've been easily ignored.

I've lost all of my faith in this project and that's devastating, I earnestly wish you can prove me wrong and bring a person who can AT LEAST MAINTAIN the quality of George's writing and style.  But I don't think that'll ever happen.

RIP one of the, if not, THE BEST, FVN .

I can't wait to play the next build!!! I'm enamoured with this game, this is such an ambitious project I loveeee it!!!

I think devs assume most players are bottoms or verse (and they are right), but sure, it'd be nice if vns were more top-friendly, and I say this as a verse who's more into bottoming.

Looks great!

What in the holy bara gay Hell is this? I need to try this right now!!!

I'm so glad this game isn't dead. Take care and get better author :3

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I've finished this vn months ago and I'm still not over


Lance/Cooper betraying Luke.

I'm not sure if Lance could ever be redeemed, it would require A HELL LOT of amazing writing, creativity and to retcon lots of events basically.

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I'm loving this game. At first I wasn't sure because it doesn't have a gay tag, oh boy was I wrong, this is a hella gay furry Vn clearly inspired by other vns like The Nonary games, Danganronpa, Ace Attorney.  It's 100/10, looking forward to seeing where this project is going.

OMG what's this game? Never heard of it, is it new? It looks unreal!

I love your work Ari :3

I will definitely play this

OMG your logo looks like Rambley ( or maybe is the other way around idk) so cute lol.

I didn't realize ,at first, that this was from the creator of Heat Source, dude I love your games, the art and the NSFW is amazing!

Oh, I thought this project had been abandoned. Nice to see it's still being worked on.

I said it once and I'll say it again, this VN is simply great, the story, the characters, the artwork, can't wait for chapter 3.

Great news then. I'm really looking forward to reading this once you can post a translated version, the artwork looks great!

Great decision! It's indeed way easier to manage .zip files and it'll make the process of installing future versions much more enjoyable. Thanks a lot, your game is out of this world.

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Oh, I wish either Hank or Clyde win.

Whaaat? No. Why? Also it's your game, if you want the spells in Spanish I don't understand how that's a problem. It's not like it's offensive or rude in any way.  

Well now I gotta play this.

It's cute that you think Spanish sounds cool lol.  But I swear it sounds so weird to us native speakers.

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Leo, I began reading this vn some weeks ago and I fell in love with the story, the setting , and the characters.  I've only been reading about 10 to 20 minutes a day during the night because I'm really invested in the plot and I didn't want to just finish it all in a few hours.


I got to the "fight" between Redline and Cole.    And I gotta say this chapter seriously destroyed me, it's been a while since a piece of literature made me feel like this.   I honestly kind of feel a bit resentful towards you because of the sheer brutality of the events, but I guess that's to be expected when you are a good writer and you manage to get your readers so attached to certain characters.   So first of all, congratulations and secondly, since I've stopped reading I just need to know, a simple yes coming from you regarding this issue would mean the world to me.

Are you planning on making both the Commissioner and Cole suffer more or as much as Redline has suffered?

I guess them getting away would be realistic considering the world we live in where bad people get away with doing awful shit all the time, but my mental health craves revenge for poor Redline, Zander and Bruce.

And congratulations once again, if you happen to read this, even if you don't answer, I want to tell you, once again, that your visual novel is fantastic. Take care and I'm looking forward to reading more.

Omg for real? I hope it's true because I love this vn.

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No no, it's completely fine, I mean life happens haha. I'm just glad the game isn't dead, because I find it well-written and captivating.  It means a lot that you answered my question, take care, hope you can finish it someday.

Hello, sorry to ask this, but... Is the game dead? It's been over a year without any updates.

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I love this game it's fantastic and hot as fuck, my only complain is the lack of Poseidong NSFW content, we need way more lol. But seriously, Renoky's art blows my mind, he's so talented his illustrations and comics are so raunchy and agressive, pure homosexual pleasure.

Nice :D

I love this VN, port towns are great and unexplored settings!

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You guys deserve my praise and way more, honestly. This vn is just great, it has sleuth + gay furries +  good writing.  This is one of the few furry vns that actually has a plot and it feels written for and by Young Adults and Adults.  Keep up the good work!

OMG this makes me so happy, I'm really enjoying this VN, it's amazing and so captivating!

Furry Danganronpa? I fucking love this.

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That new scene is amazing OMG it's so sweet and hot. Please we NEED a poly route between the MC and those two.

I simply love  Sam. He deserved so much better T-T

Still waiting.....

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Definitely one of the best furry games ever. Good luck