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A member registered Aug 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you :D I know the Climb level is particularly buggy and I plan to revise how those two walls collapse together which would tidy up some of the logic issues there nicely. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I definitely plan on continuing to work on it! I just ran out of brain power towards the end there

Thank you! Isn't that what physics engines are made for? :D

Thank you! I always love a bit of chaos in my games.

This is a cool concept :D It would be nice if it was a bit clearer when suspects will leave the board 

This was a really interesting concept.

This is really fun :D

I disabled all the plugins (which was long and boring) other than a couple essential ones like visual studio plugin and content browser. Plus I had a couple big textures so I changed the compression on them to be more efficient.

Thank you! I plan on refining them after the jam since I really enjoyed this project

Gameplay footage link is now update to actual footage of the game! It's no longer a placeholder.

(1 edit)

It's a placeholder for now :D I'm going to put the footage on my channel and direct link it later but I used the channel link incase I forget