Haha still here yep! I swear I'll release it !!!
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Ok sorry I figured it out. I don't have any access to a scrolling device (I use a drawing tablet, and I don't have a mouse, touchpad or scroll wheel) and page up/down, touch screen controls, and arrow keys (what I normally use to scroll) do not work. I had to literally put the program on a usb and use my friend's computer to use the program lol.
A little late, but I just finished the game and it was fantastic! Story and characters were both incredible and the atmosphere really screams Christmas!!! I'm a sucker for found family themes so this was like *chef's kiss*. The darker undertones also reminded me of old children's movies that are terrifying in retrospect and gave me nostalgic feelings. All the vibes were there and the ending was so wholesome I wanted to cry my eyes out with a cup of cocoa wehhh 10/10 !!
Sorry for the wait! Unfortunately, development is taking longer than expected due to personal life issues (full-time job, pandemic, moving, computer issues, etc). Although I'm working on developing it as fast as possible, there's only so much progress that can be done as a solo developer. I don't have a planned release date at the moment, but I do post monthly updates on my tumblr and twitter if you would like the see how the game is coming along. Sorry again! Please be patient with me!
Hmmm...I have no troubles downloading the game. I'm not sure what seems to be the problem, but you can try downloading from this website instead: https://rpgmaker.net/games/9699/
Hi! Could you please screenshot and send me your error message please? It'll help me figure out what the issue is. Maybe try downloading from this website instead? https://rpgmaker.net/games/9699 I believe that 'Compatible' issues usually have to do with either 1) your computer possibly being outdated or 2) you aren't using Windows, which is the only system that RPG Maker can work on. Does this error show when you download any other RPG Maker games?