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Ajax M Bhaskar

A member registered Nov 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hiya, thank you so much for this comment! I'm really glad you enjoyed the plot and the relationship between these two characters. I've always really liked 'observer' characters, who sit on the sidelines and watch the chaos unfold, but I've always found a lot of them to be too lawful for my taste. Chaos is a lot of fun to write for me : ).

As for the MC, their apathy wasn't an initial intention, however I did notice it as I was writing and enjoyed it so much that I kept it in. Them plus the Narrator would be a pretty scary duo, although I can't confirm anything more than that, as I may be working on some more content for them... (in the far off future most likely- perks of being a student T-T)

Thank you so much for playing, and for enjoying the game!

Sighs and adds another tally to the board of Narrator simps... (I entirely get what you mean)

Tysm for playing and enjoying!

Hiya, I've tried to replicate the issue on my end a few times and it doesn't seem to happen for me. Unfortunately I'm not particularly tech savvy and don't really know how to resolve the issue. Apologies for not being able to help more. I've made a note of the problem but it might be a browser or computer issue in which case I won't be able to do anything. If I manage to find the problem myself, or a solution comes up at any point, I'll let you know. Again, really sorry about the issues.

sighs and adds another tally to the board

Hiya, thank you so much for playing! I've unfortunately never encountered this particular issue while testing the game out myself, or in responses from friends or other players, so sorry for not catching it before, and that you've had to experience it. I'm not really sure what to suggest other than maybe relaoding the page, clearing browser cache/cookies or smth along those lines. I'll try testing it out myself to see if I can figure out what happened and if it's a file issue, and if it is I'll try and get a fix out. I hope you enjoyed the game anyhow!

Hiya, thank you so much for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed and liked The Narrator- as a fan of eldritch horror, I always love seeing others enjoy their more terrifying forms...

As for a sequel, I am considering potentially making one, although if I di, it won't be for a little bit as I want to improve my skills with Fungus and Unity in order to make a continuation I can be truly proud of. If/when I do make a sequel though, I'll be sure to post a devlog here, so keep an eye out for that!

What if I just go insane and drop a narrator dating sim. What then.

(All jokes aside, thank you for the comment and for playing!)

Fun fact: when I was first developing the 'scary' sprites for the narrator, I sent them to a few friends for a second opinion. Pretty much all of them said that as well. 

Hi, thank you so much for playing! While I have no plans to make a sequel just yet, since I'm still very unused to Unity and making games myself, I may make a sequel or extension of this game some day as I did really enjoy working on it. Before I do that, however, I plan to learn more about Fungus and Unity so that I can ensure that the game I make is one I can be proud of. If/when I do release any content extensions, I'll be sure to upload a devlog about it, so keep an eye out for those!

Hi, thank you so much for playing! I've just released an update with end screens and replay buttons so that this isn't an issue anymore. Still, I'm glad you enjoyed it regardless!

Thank you! I'm planning to make at least a couple more this year, one of which I've already started planning for. I hope they'll be enjoyable when they come out. Thank you for playing this game, I'm glad you enjoyed!

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed!!

Unfortunately you don't get to decide how the pople die, as this game only covers the conversation between the Narrator and the player. It's the first thing I've ever made with Fungus, so I made it a manegable length for me to get used to working with the program. I'm hoping to get some time soon to put end screens in instead of just blackouts though since I know they've been a little confusing. Thank you so much for playing!

No problem! Thank you for playing it!

Thank you so much for playing! Glad the creepiness factor came through : )

Thank you so much! The narrator my love <3, I'm glad you liked them!

Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it : D!