Thanks. I'm not impatient for updates, I just wanted to make sure I'm bookmarking the right place. Good luck with the schedule anyway though. :-)
Recent community posts
I'm not sure if this is a bug or not: On my girlfriend's record, every time she sleeps, she gets one of the bed scenes with Gaia -- the same scene each time, like a flag isn't being removed.
It became a maybe-issue because when she reached the chuch in Grunfeld, she couldn't trigger the scene with Riliane, which IIRC on my own record happened after sleeping there. She just gets the Gaia scene instead.
(I'm not sure if this is intended behavior or not. It's possible we just ended up on different relationship paths, but we made very similar choices throughout the game and her relationship score with Riliane is at the best-friend cap.)
It's okay -- as I said, it's annoying, not gamebreaking.
Oddly, my GF plays on the same machine and has had far fewer battle crashes. We use separate user accounts with separate installations, so maybe we somehow wound up with different versions? Was there another release within a few days of the one that fixed the lockups? I can't find a changelog to check.
Bug(fix) report: My second run is now past the point where the battle lockup bug occurred (and I played almost identically to the first run), so I think it's fixed for real now. There's been no hint of Malayna's bugged vengeance trigger either.
The battle crash bug is still there, but that's just annoying, not gamebreaking.
I'm still enjoying it on the second run, yes. :-)
I think I can confirm that Malayna's bugged vengeance message is fixed. Celeste has fallen multiple times when Malayna's relationship score was high enough to trigger the bug, and we haven't seen it happen. That's a good sign. It will be a bit longer before I can confirm that the later battle lockup is also fixed.
Laetitia wouldn't happen to use the same battle engine as Luxaren Allure, would it? I ask because LA had a very similar issue with battles crashing, but a fix was eventually found (long after I'd finished the game, sadly, but I was tracking the thread for other reasons). I don't know if the same fix would work for Laetitia, but maybe it's worth a shot?
I only just started to take another serious shot at this -- work has been too busy and I ended up having to restart from scratch after the battle bug fix.
I ran into another (much less serious) bug: Somehow, my new save inherited some (all?) of the cooking recipes my old one had. When cooking first unlocked, I had double copies of the initial recipes, and still had access to late-game recipes I know I shouldn't have had. For comparison, I extracted a new copy of the game with no existing saves; playing to the same point didn't produce the behavior.
(It smells like some sort of NG+ feature misbehaving. I'm not complaining that much, as it will make it easier to reach the point where I had to restart. But I worry that if cooking data was retained, whatever corrupted the save might have been retained too)
More pleasantly, I did a double take at the Christmas easter eggs. "Why is silent night playing....? Why is there a Christmas tree where there wasn't one before...? Oh wait...haha, that's hilarious and fantastic."
[edit: Actually, I've noticed battles crashing on start a lot more than they did before....but I played the first few hours right after the bugfix release and it didn't happen then, so I think it might not be the game's fault. Unless there's a Christmas effect in battle that could be bugged.]
Okay, that's understandable. At worst, then, saves prior to Akateko should be okay; saves between Akateko and the Tower of Revelation are questionable. But in my case they're almost certainly corrupt because I'm playing on Hard and people drop pretty regularly. I'll have to see if I have an older one. I'll post back once I've confirmed the fix works for us.
Thanks for the work you put into this!
Hrm. That's awkward, because it means our older records might be affected but it wouldn't become apparent until they 'caught up'. I'll try it and find out. Do you expect the fix to correct the problem in existing saves, or only prevent it from happening to new saves?
How does it happen, if you don't mind me asking? I presume forceAction is how you trigger the vengeance status, but I would expect bugs in it to break the battle in which it occurs...not silently corrupt something that breaks the next battle Malayna's in. Is something about the vengeance trigger's state preserved between battles? If so, maybe you can retroactively fix it with a check at battle start.
(spoiler warning)
I *think* we are both on a "good" route, but I'm not sure because I've strictly avoided spoilers. For reference, on her record, Celeste has reverted to a valkyrie; on mine she's not quite there yet (I drained a bit more early on). All characters that have ever joined the party are still alive, I think. The only named character I recall dying is that paladin you fight a couple times (I remember being somewhat surprised that he died for real after the second fight). I do not recall any duels with Malayna since the beginning.
Since we have two affected records and two non-affected records, I *might* be able to reproduce it when we reach that point again. I will try. If it doesn't happen, maybe I can diff the two save files for discrepancies. I could also try reproducing under both the current and previous versions, if the old one is still available.
If the bug only occurs with Malayna, maybe the bug doesn't involve the last fight in general, but the last fight where she was present? I don't have any evidence of that, it's just where my head would go if I were debugging it myself.
I should have an opportunity to experiment later this week, or the weekend at latest.
[edit: I remember one other odd thing that might be relevant. I've seen Malayna's "Celeste's down, now I'm pissed" vengeance line trigger sometimes even when she wasn't in the party. I didn't think much of it at the time, and it didn't seem to break anything; I mention it only because the same character is involved.]
Another bug report. This happened on both my record and my GFs at around the same point, just before the (minor spoiler) suicide bomber on the bridge:
Battles hang after inputting commands for the first round. Nobody takes any actions. The hang occurs if and only if (larger spoiler) Malayna is in the party. The presence of other members and party order don't seem to matter. Neither does the specific encounter. Removing her from the party prevents the hang, but it returns if we put her back in.
Our next-to-last saves (about an hour back) don't exhibit the issue. Looking through the comment thread, this may be the same bug reported by Intergalactic Trash about six months back. It's probably significant that all three cases happened at the same point in the game.
I'm afraid I updated the game before realizing you might want to know the version it occurred on, but I might be able to dig the previous one out of the download cache if you think it would be useful.
I can provide the faulty saves if it will be helpful for troubleshooting.
My girlfriend and I are loving this so far, but she just ran into what looks like a serious (albeit rare) bug. I'm not sure where else to report it so I'll leave it here:
This happened just outside Savia, the first town, near the blacksmith. When reloading a save there, after Malayna gives her initial blurb, the blacksmith moves a couple tiles. If you saved in exactly the wrong spot, his new position traps you behind him so you can't get out. Ever. Or at least, we couldn't find a way and she had to revert to an earlier save.
(thankfully, the game's warning to keep multiple records limited the damage -- she didn't have to start over completely)
I can upload the offending save somewhere if needed.