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A member registered Jun 11, 2020

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Okay, well, when I went to GitHub and downloaded the raw output as a .json, that worked. Right clicking and saving-as apparently did not save it correctly.

Maybe it was my fault. I really appreciate all your help. Sorry about the hassle.

Creating a new project, then exporting it to .json, then adding it back in works fine. It creates the new database successfully.

Happy to. I'm on Linux, and the file was downloaded straight from the website where the documentation is. Here is the console output, or at least I hope this is what you're looking for: 

index.js:29 Init!

store.jsx:1696 Adding drafft_test to dbList

remotedb.js:1326 {canceled: false, filePaths: Array(1)}

remotedb.js:1177 {content: Blob, fileName: '/home/dan/Desktop/The goddess of fate..json', content_type: 'application/json', json: null}

store.jsx:1696 Adding drafft_test to dbList

remotedb.js:126 Create a new Database: drafft_test

remotedb.js:140 Autosave database at interval: 5 seconds

remotedb.js:693 No Project Settings Found. Generating Defaults.

remotedb.js:644 No Dialogue Folder. Generating Default.

remotedb.js:396 Remote Syncing is set to OFF

I'm using 1.2.2. Here's what happens when I click "restore database from file" and upload the goddess of fate json.

(1 edit)

I've downloaded the example projects but when I try to load them it says "unable to parse or not a valid .json file." Is there anything I can do to resolve this? Thanks for any assistance.

I never could get the hang of this game no matter how many times I played back in the day. Thanks to you, I've finally beaten it, decades later! I never thought it would happen. Thank you so much for this amazing remake.

Both spookiness and sandwich were delivered as promised, 10/10 would make another creepy sandwich