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A member registered May 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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Yeah, I don't know what to tell you. Sadly, I don't have the resources to constantly update all my games as soon as Android rolls out another downgrade.
Queen Trainer will be compatible with latest Androids OS of course, but I suggest you don't put off playing the game for too long, because modern technology makes everything outdated rather quickly -_- 

Link to my discord is in the pinned post on my twitter :)

Hehe. Thank you for the kind words.
I remember back when I was working on it people were laughing at me since Harry Potter was past it's prime and nobody cared it anymore. Witch Trainer sure did prove them wrong XD

You need to pay attention to his movements. When you see Snape getting ready for an attack make sure to use SHIELD.

You can't go further without beating Snape. To beat him make sure to check the closet every day to stock up on healing potions.

I think I saw your question on the Discord so you know the answer by now :)

This is just a TMNT game. No furries there :)

No idea. When Parincess Trainer was on the peak of popularity a got a few fan pics sent to me which I shared (with permission of course). 

This game contains 12 episodes that comprise season 01. Right now I am busy with a different game: Queen Trainer.

El juego solo tiene un idioma: inglés.

Here you go:

You are very welcome 8)

Fucking hell! Very impressive, my man XD

Thanks. Queen Trainer should be the most atmospheric yet. If you will not ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT, I shall consider it a failure on my part. Hope to release it soon*. Stay tuned and thank you for playing.

I woman would tell you to go see a therapist to resolve your "childhood trauma", I say: go hit the gym bro. You'll feel better.

Hm... I'm curious how common of an issue this is. I'll look into this. Maybe I will need to re-pack the original game or something.
In the meantime I recomend around asking around in my discord server, guys there are usually very helpful.

Your mother is a spent material.

(1 edit)

Just hold your finger to the screen and slide it everywhere. The package should light up when you find the hitbox.

Sorry comrade. My games has always been in English only.

Next will be Queen Trainer. Soon*

This issue is caused by the Windows zoom feature.

It will be released when it's ready. And the game will be about respecting women.

Tomorrow I will release the both games at the same time.

Real men don't use cheats! This was a test and you failed! 

Sorry, I have no resources to provide tech support for my games. You guys will have to some how figure it out on you own, I am afraid.

Thank you for your kind feedback. You made my day ^^
SC34 Season 02 is gonna rock your world, trust me XD

I don't think you need my permission for that. But you have it.
If you need any hi-rez versions of my drawings. Just let me know. (

Good luck with your citybuilder. I hope it get's super popular and make a lot people wonder who the hell is this Akabur. XD

Don't worry about it, all antivirus software always hates Ren'Py files. It's a conspiracy.  

God damn, thank you for this kind feedback man. I don't disagree with you though. I may lack talent or skill at some parts of things, but I am very passionate about what I do, and I am glad it shows. I also think that my work is a good example that a passionate amateur can outplay an indifferent professional on any day! ^^

No idea what could be causing this. Should work. -_-

This happens a  lot with Ren'Py games. You need to tell you antivirus software to chill and leave Witch Tariner.exe alone. ^^

P.S. Thank you for the support.

Hm... I remember watching the first season long time ago. It was pretty awesome to be honest. That one episode about a group of stormtroopers contemplating the meaning of life at one remote outpost tuck with me. You're right, I should re-visit that show.

Not likely. SW was never a thing in USSR so I missed it completely as a kid, and modern age SW grosses me out. I enjoyed KOTOR 1 and KOTOR MMO but that's about it.

Happy to oblige. Welcome to the world of awesome. ^^

Thank you for your feedback. Yet again it makes me want to drop everything and continue the SC34 story. But first things first, need to finish QT. Thank you for playing my games :)


Thanks. I am not a writer, so writing for SC34 usually was quite a struggle, had to do a lot of re-writes, but I am glad it was worth it. You comment makes me get back to working on the second season ASAP :)

Also make sure to rampage the cupboard as much as you can. You can find health potions there. 

Thanks, man.
Personally I think my writing skills are pretty mediocre, but if you compare my stories to the rest of the western NSFW games out there, my work does look like a masterpiece. I don't know, I just try to do my best when it comes to my games. I mean, my games are not perfect but it's literally the top of my ability, if I could do better I would, trust me. I wish more game devs had that mindset. I need some good games to play :)
In any case, thank you for your feedback, bro :)

Sure. My email is

Thanks. Honestly because of your comments I can't wait to get back to working on SC34. ^^