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A member registered May 21, 2024

Recent community posts

What do cheats do in the super patreon version?

Hi Lags, can you provide a list with changes to some of the files for translation after the update?

LAGS, tell me how to zoom out when editing a text translation. Sometimes the translation does not fit and covers other words. for example, in the encyclopedia

In the form of a celestial, use the fourth spell "stopping time".

Tell me the information about Easter eggs. I've already tried many combinations.


Tell me, on can I pay for the patreon version? Accounts are being deleted on PATREON. It's good that I managed to download it after payment.

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In the form of a Celestian, use the time stop spell

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I will add a translation for your game in my language, but after the release of the full version of the game. Because every change in the lines can affect the correctness of the text replacement.

The bedroom, shower, meditation, etc. locations do not appear in hot springs. It is impossible to get the form of a Celestian. Therefore, it is impossible to defeat enemies with a time stop

А когда обновят перевод Патреон-версии?

Enemies and locations are understandable. But what does it mean: new game mechanics

With Galien, approach the treasure cave

Do you need help editing your Wiki? I see it was last edited last year and some of the content is missing. Only if the site supports another language
There are three suggestions for the game: 1. Violeta, in my opinion, is the most annoying character. Especially in battles in the last form. She takes the turn to caress. A meeting with a mimic in this case ends in loss in 90% of cases. 2. Pregnancy 3. The monsters “stick” only to Celika and do not touch other girls. Boring. 4. When captured by monsters, the sounds last for literally 2-3 seconds. Why not extend them?

Hello, I need a hint about the gallery. I found this obelisk and looked at it. But I didn’t see a single 18+ cutscene. Only fragments of conversations and events. I don't understand. Can you explain in detail. Otherwise, it’s boring to look for each monster again to look at.
I didn't understand. Will there be a second part?
Tell me, what program can I use to change the language in the game in the streamingAssets folder? I'll try to do it myself in my language.
How to open a girl with golden hair?

What is the key for at level 17?

What is the key for at level 17?

10 minutes and the animations continue. The zombie has already changed its body color. The annimations are closed. I even called the second jellyhell. As a result, one body is gray with zombies, and the second just lies there

There are none in sexdata either

I made jellyhales and started animations, but they are still closed in the animations tab