this visual novel is free :p
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that's not the case, nope :(. it's been confirmed by the author that Klaus' route is "on hold" until they're sure that they're gonna do a good job with it. rn, D2's end is where the route stops and there's no content beyond that (even if the lack of a credits scene would imply otherwise). soooooo unfortunately, we'll have to wait for more Klaus content, as rn there's no way to open that door. but his route will be expanded on the future! ;)
i've just checked and it looks like the choice between hugging him or taking a step back has been removed. now, if u choose "Tag along with Mikko" at the first choice of d2, u'll get locked into the good path without any way to avoid the hugging scene. so, right now, the only way to get the bad ending is picking any of the other 2 remaining options. everything's straightforward from that point on :p
iirc keo's trying to find inspiration for the following days of the route, as they feel that the more time they wait to write the continuation of the route, the better it'll be. so it's definitely going to be coming out eventually. just nobody knows when that'll be. as for how to access his route...
here! (copypasted from rickalick)
1. Get a coat on day 1(either talk to Rune before losing the key, or ask Devon for help when you lost it)
2. Do the Klaus event when given chance on the first day. Make sure you talk to him and follow him all the way into the woods.
3. After that follow...
3.a) the Bjorn route, in which case just wait till you get a chance to chase after Klaus into the woods again.
3.b) the Devon route, in which case don't help him with telescopes and talk to Klaus in the cafeteria
here! (copypasted from rickalick)
1. Get a coat on day 1(either talk to Rune before losing the key, or ask Devon for help when you lost it)
2. Do the Klaus event when given chance on the first day. Make sure you talk to him and follow him all the way into the woods.
3. After that follow...
3.a) the Bjorn route, in which case just wait till you get a chance to chase after Klaus into the woods again.
3.b) the Devon route, in which case don't help him with telescopes and talk to Klaus in the cafeteria
i think i'm officially the klaus route guide reposter guy by this point. it's quite literally the only thing i post on here ;-;
heyy! idk if i understood u completely, but it seems that u have an issue with updating the game (i think).
if ur on pc, u have to download the most recent version (the one that appears when u click on "download now"), then extract it and, finally, u can delete the old version (the one u've been reading til now). ur safe files should technically be intact, but as that version is really old, it's possible that they're deleted. it wouldn't take long to get to the point where u stopped reading by using the skip text function tho.
on mobile, u just have to download the newest version and it should automatically give u the option to update the game. same possible issues than in pc.
lmk if this helped u. if it didn't, please, clarify the question. i'd be happy to help! :c
here! (copypasted from rickalick)
1. Get a coat on day 1(either talk to Rune before losing the key, or ask Devon for help when you lost it)
2. Do the Klaus event when given chance on the first day. Make sure you talk to him and follow him all the way into the woods.
3. After that follow...
3.a) the Bjorn route, in which case just wait till you get a chance to chase after Klaus into the woods again.
3.b) the Devon route, in which case don't help him with telescopes and talk to Klaus in the cafeteria.
here! (copypasted from rickalick)
1. Get a coat on day 1(either talk to Rune before losing the key, or ask Devon for help when you lost it)
2. Do the Klaus event when given chance on the first day. Make sure you talk to him and follow him all the way into the woods.
3. After that follow...
3.a) the Bjorn route, in which case just wait till you get a chance to chase after Klaus into the woods again.
3.b) the Devon route, in which case don't help him with telescopes and talk to Klaus in the cafeteria.