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Akidne Develops

A member registered Jan 28, 2023 · View creator page →

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Me alegro de que te pareciera divertido!
Cuando la barra roja está casi llena el tiempo que tardan los enemigos en aparecer es ínfimo, pero si llegas a ese punto la partida ya es prácticamente imposible ganar así que tampoco era algo que fuera muy relevante solucionar.

Thanks! looks like the controls are one of the biggest problems of the game, maybe I should've invested more time on that.

The dash was originally on the shift, but I decided to put both abilities on the mouse so aiming and using them at the same time was easier. Or at least it was to me.

Me alegro de que te gustara! Lo de la ausencia de efectos de sonido sí que fue por falta de tiempo pero la de música no, para que el final tuviera más sentido

Gracias! Me alegra saber que haberle dedicado tanto tiempo al sombrero valió la pena

If you get tired of trying the first part over and over ai¡gain you can write AKIDNE in the menu, press play and wait a few seconds to skip it.


The splash damage usually kills the players seconds before the end but it was either that or being so small that you could get stuck in a void square. If you want to skip to the second part of the game write AKIDNE in the menu, press play and wait a few seconds.