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Killer 馃悷

A member registered 59 days ago

Recent community posts


Literally me

Sometimes something happens

Freezer like... Is that Frieza?

COOM Eternal

The Elder Cocks V: Skydick

Fuckout New Vergas

apolgy for bad english

where were u wen maeve's academy update

i was at house eating dorito when phone ring

"Maeve's academy is updat"


Can confirm, i helped her do this

You're not safe either

What does it say?

(1 edit)

Fish Gaming

That was me (i'm very evil)


the start is far




Die monster

Soup tastes good


I would gladly eat my own kind


Thank god i'm not a trout

To that one idiot, the community also threw bricks at me one time.

At least i knew when it was time to stop and just decided to shut up and leave.

But you just keep going, please shut up, if you keep going then people are just gonna start treating you even worse, or at least accept the fact that you lost and stop trying to advertise your games that nobody asked for or just fucking leave and never come back.

Both options are good for us.

You're the biggest clown i've ever seen

(1 edit)

You're the one who is crying

Nobody said that Maeve is the best game, we just want you to shut up

No u

Fuck Off!

(1 edit)

Actually, i'm just gonna never use this account so everyone happy, nobody will throw bricks at me, and y'all won't have to deal with the most annoying person that ever existed.

I'm bad at writing these so hopefully the message got through.

(2 edits)

Ok, i'm going to be serious here.

I'm not underaged, the entire thought process behind this is: annoying piece of shit that just ignores absolutely everything and refuses to accept the fact that he lost.

This was meant to be hated but you're all hating too hard.

I'm not like that IRL, it's just a character.

Just don't take me too seriously, it was never meant to be serious, although it's not that funny either.

Please understand this, thank you.

Also this is not my main account, this is just an alt so i don't look like an absolute fool.

I'm still selling U word passes.

I'm still selling U word passes.

You will never catch me alive.

Hello, i am the Killer 馃悷, but i'm not a killer anymore.

Now i'm gonna be selling totally legal U word passes for one chicken sandwich, or your soul.

As i said, totally legal, and don't mention what happened yesterday, i don't want to talk about it, and no i'm not mad, i just want to move on. Thank you.

I'm tired of this shit, adios.