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Hi Randgamer,
Thanks for taking the time to write up a review with this much depth. While the distance from the goal would have been nice with a map where there is only 1 goal. Our vision for the jam was that the player can explore the map, hence that 10 minute timer instead of 2minutes or something. And find the fastest path to one of the many goals scattered around the map. If you follow the flags you will find that there are many routes in the map and it is up to the player to find which one is the fastest for them.
On the visual feedback for hitting something you are 100% right and with more time we could have and should have implemented something like that. As for music, our musician dropped out half way trough the jam and somehow the music that we put in did not make it in the final build so yeah. Fair criticism thanks for playing
This is clearly a game made for the creator, yet it is structured in such a way that the spectator is allowed a window to peer inwards into the world of someone else.
It's a charming game with a lasting impact due to the nature of its events, it takes great bravery to take reference from life, even more so if said reference is something most people would rather forget.
If you are going trough the reviews to get a sense of the game then all I can say is that this short experience is best experienced in it's intended format. From start to finish.
As for Joran, great job on the game!