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A member registered Jan 26, 2019

Recent community posts

Highly enjoyed the game! Not wildly difficult, but not wildly easy either; and TONS of content. Well done!

If there's ever a future update, could we get some additional options in the post-game cheat menu to manipulate gold and dominance? I'd also love the ability to change clothes wherever after a certain exhibition level.

My biggest suggestion is with how contract times are listed. Please  can we have consistency for which time is listed first? I've abandoned so many contracts because I got used to the "after X" time being first; and then all of sudden got a "before X" first.
After 4, Before 5
After 12, Before 17
After 1, Before 7
Before 4, After 21

When clearing multiple contracts per day, that switch is surprisingly hard to catch

Late game dark path (~day 115) feels pretty broken at the moment. A -lot- of characters are out of place, progressing story points when they should be... occupied...

Fun stories so far though!