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Albey Amakiir

A member registered Apr 20, 2017 · View creator page →

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My guess (without downloading it because I don't want 9GB) would be that the audio is raw wave files. Raw bitmap images, even large ones, shouldn't inflate the size *that* much. O_o

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I've loved the full version of this game and unlocked everything. It's a delight. So much attention to detail in the UX. The final unlock is funny, too.

I'd like to see a list of the trophies because there one or two I never quite figured out the meaning of.

Sometimes randomly generation makes a puzzle that is unintuitive, in that you need to avoid a lot of efficiencies in order to solve it. I'll often use hint mode for those, and the solution can feel a bit iffy sometimes (though sometimes it's "oh of course, I should have tried that"). This is always the case with generated puzzles, of course. But it makes me wonder if people have handmade some clever puzzles. I wouldn't know where to look, tho.

I'm glad! I'm really proud of it, and have been thinking about what kind of full adventure I could write. And some UI improvements I could make (that text is tiny!) I can't promise anything, but I have dreams~ :3

I might have hit a bug? Catalogue version, if that matters. I did the tutorial first thing (well, I looked at the credits first), and then after that I chose Free Play, and it's doing the tutorial again for some reason. Does choosing tutorial from the menu not mark it as done?

Otherwise, I'm finding it enjoyable. It's easier than the train sim I played on PC, but that one was too challenging for a newbie like me, so this is good. :3

This is genuinely funny XD

Ooh, on android, and I just noticed that when I load game (at least after the game fully closes), the prices of everything reset, making anything I already had some of way cheaper than it should be!

...which I don't mind, but might not be in the spirit of the game. :P

The intention was that you would upload the pdx file itself, not the zip file. But I didn't realise you could also upload zip files, so I didn't make that terribly clear.

Tbh, I should also have separated the source into its own download anyway. I only didn't because I had something like 15 minutes to upload before I ran out of time. But I've corrected both of these issues now. Thanks for letting me know!

Grabbed the full version. This one's so much fun. I wish I could see a list of every card in my deck during the game, because I can forget what I've added when I pause the game for a bit. Also, it would be cool if I could see all the cards in a set between games.

I think you need to sell decks with this art. Really inspiring. XD

I... *assume* you can only double a single die once. So I can't use two carpenters to make a single dwarf worth 4 builders, right? The fact that it says "double the effect of 1 building dwarf" rather than something more specific like "make a single building dwarf worth two" made me double-take and question that.

Thanks for the answers! And yes, I've since started running it for one of my partners and we're really enjoying the game so far.

We noticed that, though the game implies a gothic fantasy setting, it doesn't necessarily require it. So we're pushing the worldbuilding a bit by making a dark/gothic cyberpunk setting: pockets of corporate dystopia dotted throughout miles of abandoned city with no known borders or plant-life, roamed by electricity beasts and crossed by magic-powered cyberspace. This game's godkiller is a Wronged clown. Formerly zir god was the god of laughter and comedians before a Disney-esque god consumed them and their worshippers employees in a company merger.

It's all very tragic. We're having a great time. :3

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I found a (thing I would consider a) bug! It is very small. Most people would never see it, since the only reason to do this is when you find it for the first time, but if you switch from the kite shield to the golden shield while in a level (not the item select room), you drop back down to 10 health instead of staying at 13.

Also, when I set the options to allow pressing and holding to move, sometimes I'll go two spaces and right off an edge. Not sure what's happening there.

Oh, and it'd be nice if I could end a run from the menu or something, say if I realise I've grabbed the wrong gear or the start of a run went too badly.

Otherwise, I'm having a lot of fun with this. It's fairly different from the roguelikes I tend to play (dungeon crawl stone soup is the big one, and is entirely too much for the little playdate), but it's cute and does some interesting things. :3

I have a couple of questions about the rules.

If you fail to Wield a Power, the move says you can suffer 2 strain to achieve the effect anyway. But the extra information below it in the book (pg. 26) says 3 strain. I was wondering which was correct? Does the 3 include the 1 strain for "you're desperate for this to work"? If you didn't spend that, but after the roll failed you decided to push, do you only spend 2 strain total? I could see this going either way, so I could prolly answer myself to match the flavour of our campaign, but I'd like to know the intent.

Also, with Challenge Someone Dangerous, what's the motivation for requiring an audience? Basically, I want to gage what I should do if my player's Godkiller challenges someone without. Do I answer no to the "audience on your side" question, or perhaps does the action lose its divine nature and I fall back to Mortal moves, if any? Or something else?

I hope this design intent discussion is the kind of thing that would be covered in a future non-ashcan version of the game. I'm generally perpetually interested in design decisions, not just as a game designer myself, but also as it helps me wield the rules more effectively and navigate edge cases intelligently. (On that note, I find it interesting that this game, unlike many PbtAs I've played, actively encourages the GM to keep secrets from the player.) Anyway, very keen to see more of this game. :3

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(Unsolicited game dev thoughts. Skip to the end for praise. :P )

Hmm... didn't the previous card-like version have a "how to play" menu item? Where did that go?

Separately, I had a thought about presentation. I can find it a little confusing to have the numbers under the tiles to be in the same part of the square as the number on top, and yet be referring to a different thing, while the number on top moves to the side. It's only a small annoyance, but I was thinking how to convey that better.

On the right, you have gems and roman numerals. What if, when you remove a tile, the number on the tile stays in the same spot, but its backdrop shows either a gem or an imposing roman numeral? Similarly, since you can place notes on tiles, maybe if you make those numerals look more scratchy and hand-drawn, and in the style of a gem or roman numerals?

Still, this is such an elegant little game. I still occasionally boot this game up after nearly a year of it being on my playdate. It's good. :3

(I wonder how a hex grid would change the deductions?)

Ok, this time I'm pretty sure it's a bug. XD

Several tiles had no matches on the board at all.

Version 1.1, Daily layout, Pup, first attempt (later attempts seemed to be fine). Noticed it early on. I didn't use shake shuffle.

Granted, this is the first time I've noticed this in over 26 hours of gameplay.

Ah, which I've never used! That makes sense. Whoops. XD

I think I found a very subtle bug. In the soundcloud playlist, there's piece called Sunset Overlay, which I've never heard in-game. Checking the game files, it does seem to be there, but it's not in the list when I flick through the music, nor has it ever come up randomly.

Ah, I found a bug. When a level starts, if you press the home button and go to the options menu while the tiles are still arriving on the screen, the timer never starts, and you can finish the game with a time of zero seconds, maxing your score.

Ah, I bought this game on the playdate catalogue. Do those people not have access to it?

Weirdly, it was the fact that there's a sitelen pona tileset that made me go "Ok, what is Mahjong, and will I enjoy it enough to get this game?" And it was worth it! pona mute a!

You're welcome! ^_^

And, gosh, yeah, I know that blurry jam feeling well. XD

Oh, I said "don't fill in" because, if everyone is "human" then it's effectively the same as leaving it blank.

What I meant was, the word "ancestry" carries meaning and differentiation within species; they are historical and cultural lines of people. Elves, goblins, and the like, are species, not ancestries. Those species may have many ancestries within them (For example, Goblins from this one country vs. Goblins from another vs. Goblin nomads, etc), but they are not ancestries themselves.

Which is why it feels so bizarre to have a field called "ancestry" and then effectively ignore it in a human-only game. That sort of thing can feel a tad too close to dismissing race and culture as important to people. Which is why I suggested either acknowledging it more in the rules, or removing the word "ancestry" from the field and leaving "species" on its own. There may be other solutions, of course.

I hope I was a bit clearer this time. I'm not the best at communicating my points. <_<

This looks cute as heck. :3

It's a little strange that, for a human-only game, you don't fill in the "ancestry" box. That could be filled with real-world or fictional ancestries. Or, if you prefer not, calling it simply "species" on its own can still work for the fantasy setting without implying something humans have a variety of.

Still, cool approach to an Ironsworn hack. :D

It is very cool that this exists. Just knowing it does makes me happy.

Why call it "utala"? Just checking, but it's not a competition or the like, is it?

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It seems to have been a while since you worked on this, but some feedback:

  • The pre-made puzzles feel randomly generated. I'd like to see puzzles that have an "intended solve path". For example, a puzzle that teaches a technique, or one that has deductions that nicely lead from one to the next. Or even just a puzzle that looks like something.
  • When you right-click a tile to see what affects it, it would be nice if there was some animation to the purple tiles to draw the eye. It can be hard to tell exactly which tiles have changed colour, especially when the view has to zoom out to show them all.
  • On that note, I'd like to not have to hold a button to see these. Physical disability can make holding buttons difficult, and this game requires a lot. Perhaps a click to toggle would be better?
  • I'd also like a way to see which tiles are affected by the current tile, not just the other way around. Just as a visual reminder.

All that said, I love the ruleset. It's a very clever game. I hope you finish it.

Edited to add:

  • Please wait a moment before showing the win screen, or have it out of the way somehow. I want to see the final animation as the colours fall into place. It would be satisfying!
  • You have undo. What about redo? I often accidentally click undo too much, and I miss what I undid, which can be confusing.

Ha! Immediately worked. Should have been obvious to me. Thing not found, so install thing. I appreciate it, thankyou. :)

suwi mute a!

Huh, the "linux" build seems to think it's the steam build? At least that's what the folder says. Either way, it doesn't run.

I'm getting:

./rawexec: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
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I would have loved to, but it was a game jam, and I ran out of time (working alone, and discovering it takes way more maths than I expected). But also, annoyingly, it was hard to find the fun. It's a fun proof-of-concept as-is, but if I were to put more effort in, I'd want there to be more to it than just a maze. And it turned out to be really hard to take in a fun direction (especially as a dev that likes procedural generation over hand-crafting).

Still occasionally thinking, though. It would be kind of a shame to waste such a good game title. I'm still proud of that. :3

Well that helps!

I'll still test on Wine first out of curiosity, tho. :3

Oh, good to know about Proton, thanks. Had no idea it was related. I'd test on Wine myself, but I'm poor enough I need to be sure it's gonna' work before I buy a game. I just know how good itch is for devs.

I like buying things here rather than Steam, because more goes to the developer, but I'm on Linux. Does anyone know if this works with Wine?

RYB comments · Replied to FLEB in RYB comments

I'm on openSUSE. We use .rpm files. I dunno if there's kinds beyond rpm and deb, but even if there aren't, software often needs to build for each distro separately anyway, or provide sourcecode for people to build themselves. I'm new to building games for linux, but I've built the prototype for my game as a .x86_64 (Godot's default for building linux games). I don't yet know how portable that is either. That's why I suggested Appimage. That should be able to be built once and run on any linux system.

Still, I'm also new to this. There may be a better way.

Heyo. Some linux distros (like mine) don't use .deb files and can't play this. Perhaps an Appimage would be more portable?

Don't mind me, just seeing how long it can take to drain the world's oceans into one enormous pit that used to be the tallest mountain.

It's a Pico-8 game. This is its only resolution. That said, the dev is making a higher resolution version. Check it out!

(I played the pyromancer street rat in Peanuts' comment. :3 )

Played a one-shot today. It was amazing! Really enjoyed it. With world creation, we kind of answered upcoming questions by mistake, but we worked around it. Also, managing what I'm capable of based on what cards I have in my hand feels a bit strange, because why am I suddenly not as effective at, say, physical tasks? Then again, it probably doesn't have to be characterised that way. Either way, I had a fantastic time, and I'd love to play a longer game. ^_^

This game is really lovely and beautiful. Clever puzzles, too. The last few levels are getting really challenging.