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A member registered Feb 22, 2024

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thx that helps, i didn't notice that before. but i still don't get why i couldn't see naked dream dawn.

Is this a work in progress and why did i not see a single nude out of the 2 dream sequences even though my NSFW was turned on?

firstly i love the game and secondly i wish i could have seen some of those described scenes, for example Mal0 pole dancing (at least Animatic style).

Is it just me or is anyone else hoping that Mal0 manifests in the physical world of the game like she does in her SCP File?

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ok, thx for the info. i  was just wondering where i went wrong.

is there a walkthrough?

did i miss the H-scenes or are they not in yet?

Are you going to add the rest later?

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how close will this be to the source material?

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actually i am using the website, unless that is what you meant by "app". I just tried playing but my gym spanking scene is gone and when i load my save i am met with a black screen. is 0.6.1 further into the story than 0.6.5?

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i downloaded the new version but can't find the game in the folder, did it automatically add itself to the previous version?

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Is there a walkthrough for this in case I miss something? If so can someone tell me where to find it?

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did i do something wrong when saving Riley from the party, because i was forced straight to her room and not given a choice to use mine

is it weird that when i saw Aveley on the picture for this game i immediately thought of Reyla from The Dragon Prince

thx, i got to the gym spanking and am waiting for more scenes because of how good the game is

is the whole cast in there or is it jus Pomni, Jax, and Kinger?

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What is the discord called? the reason i ask is because i am caught up as far as i can go.

is there another way to see the update cycle than what you told me originally?

are there any traps/femboys/tomgirls

ok, the reason i asked is because it looks interesting but i don't understand Russian.

as long as i can save her, i'm happy with it.

could you give me a url to know if i am up to date with the current free version


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Even the guest stars?

cool and is Suzie going to be a fuckable character at some point?

what i meant was that i guess that this is just a free trial for the game.

ok, thx

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i'm guessing that this was just a demo?

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does or will this game come in english?

is there a schedule for the updates so we can get excited in anticipation? by the way love the game.

thanks, but why isn't she appearing in my character's phone.

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you're welcome

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Is Juliet glitched because she isn't appearing in my phone and when i maxed out her affection on the pier (first date) i could only choose to leave. The reason I ask is because everyone else works.

i just started the game and when i was asked if i wanted the job i chose no out of curiosity and loved the reset but i'd have to say that my favorite thing so far is the smartass blocker that locks you out of selecting no again.

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will Madalyn get a sex scene because i really want to see the protagonist fuck her like he does with Cheshire. Also how do I raise Ash's love level?

i had that same question but then i discoverd that you just need to visit the nurses office during lunch when ever she isn't in the classroom.

I haven't played yet but will at some point, but just out of curiosity are there lamias (like Miia) or arachnes (like Rachnera Arachnera)? for anyone who doesn't know (and i assume that is very few) they are from Monster Musume: everyday Life with Monster Girls

is this a free game or just a demo?

is this a work in progress or do i have to subscribe?

thanks for the info because i love the game!