Holy crap I just thought of this game, checked it, and holy god this looks frickin amazing
Recent community posts
This game is incredibly fun. Although, there are a few preferences I would like with this.
1. Upgrades or flat out new weapons. The combat is fun, but the weapons are slightly bland or generic. If you could, an upgrade system would be nice. For example, you can have something as simple as an extra shotgun burst to something a bit more complicated to a fireball burn radius. If possible, add a melee option.
2. Mobility. The mobility is decent. It doesn't feel as smooth and fast as I would hope it would. An extra mobility option, faster movement, or drift would be nice.
3. This might be a bit much, but different characters. Their stats could be different, so, for instance, a glass canon, or a tank.
4. Finally more enemies. It is slightly tiring to fight the same three characters but with more health. A few extra enemies would be very cool. If possible, even a few bosses.
Final rating: