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A member registered Jun 19, 2018

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But unfortunately, he cant be a romanceable character, hes a cameo character so dyne doesnt have the rights to do that

Dear Echoproject,

I never thought that a game would make me cry, but here we are. Last night I finished the recent update, and... It was amazing. I didnt want it to end.  Ive been following this game since the very first update in January 2019. I cant wait for the ending.

both 32 bit and 64 bit

Im downloading it on windows and its wanting to open it in word

with the horn, yes

Im honestly confused, i defeated the skull monster and got the key to the basement, is there anything to do after that right now?

I'm only about half-way through the vn and i already would love to see chris as a love interest

or that somehow his computer went haywire and he needs to get a new one but just doesnt have the funds to do so

I don't k ow if i have this correct or not but, I don't think that dyne will be making routes for azaghal, bam, Wade, Rodriquez and the other cameos, those characters are not owned by him

(1 edit)

I don't k ow if i have this correct or not but, I don't think that dyne will not be making routes for azaghal, bam, Wade, Rodriquez and the other cameos, those characters are not owned by him

oh, okie

it sya that it was updated one day ago, but who was updated

Hey Andy, I forgot to get a screenshot of this but, on the Android version of this vn, it does not display the text right, instead of going horizontal like it should be so we can read it, it is going vertical so we can't read it, again, sorry that i forgot to get a screenshot of the problem

oh ok, thank you

actually, I never thought of that

I think he meant the bear cop, in coach's route


Hey Andy, since it said that it was updated 22 hours ago, who got updated

dont you mean, a great route

when could the next update possibly be and has it been updated for the end of december

hes most likely a patron

would it be goodnight or goodmorning because it is 2:37 am for me right now, so I am going to set it on download and then go to bed, goodnight

must have been because my grandparents internet is slow, hughes network

(1 edit)

the first time that I downloaded it (pc, Windows), the download went fine, but when i went to extract the files, it said that the download was invalid, i deleted it and I am trying again, hopefully it goes well this time

(Edit): yay it worked

there are 2 naming parts at the beginning, one to name the file and then the second one is to put in your name

He doesn't have a new day yet

This update is actually really good

sorry for acting pushy, who is it gonna be

when are you thinking of updating again


Who was updated

if it's not that, then it could possibly be your network, I've had that trouble with other games


When would the new update be

I can download other games, it's just this one, when I get a chance to have higher speed internet I'll try downloading it again, but thank you anyway

thank you

Who is being updated in the next update?

when i try to download it, this has happened 3 or 4 times now, it will go to about 420 mb's and say Failed: network error, when i click retry it says Failed: Forbidden


oh ok, thank you

there is not a button that i can push that says download on my pc