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Alexander Sheep

A member registered Sep 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Opa Jesus, acho que entrei em contato com você no twitter!


Hey Fakenunchucks! Thank you for your interest in the game. Unfortunately we have not been able to update the game with this aditional content. If you are still interested, you can contact me on twitter/X (same username) and I can show you some previews of the current version. Cheers!

Opa! Vou agora enviar seu conteúdo extra, obrigado pela ajuda!

Oi! Você pode mandar seu email pra mim pelo twitter :)

Adevogado enviado! Espero que goste! :D

Oi Huan, ainda não enviei pq não encontrei seu email no pix. Vc pode me passar de alguma outra forma?

Enviado! Muito obrigado! :)

Oi! Pode mandar o pix e me mandar mensagem no twitter que eu libero rapidinho pra vc o Adevogado :)

Pode sim! Tenta mandar seu email na mensagem do pix ou entra em contato comigo no twitter pra eu te mandar o link de acesso do adevogado! :)

Hope you have fun! If you want to chat about Micro Circuits you can write about it on twitter using the #osr hashtag, the subreddit /osr or the facebook group OSR RPG. These are the places where I've seen people talking about it the most. For extra content, I try to group all fan-made content on this collection here on itch.

Hey! Thanks for getting the game! The Chained Panopticon can now be downloaded for free on this page :)

Hey! I just added a single pages version for the game :) Sorry it took me so long, but now you can download it

We should probably do that! I'll add to the small list of changes we have to do do the game. Thanks :)

Oi! Você pode mandar um pix de 3 reais pelo QR code ali em cima e na mensagem do PIX colocar seu email, aí eu lhe envio o PDF do Adevogado :)

Oi! Ainda não disponibilizei o jogo no Itch mas a versão preliminar dele tá disponível no Dungeonist! É só pesquisar Lucid World lá que aparece. Espero ter ajudado :)

Que coisa boa! Fico feliz que tenha gostado :)

More community copies coming soon!

Just as I have been struggling in finding a definition for gonzo, this blog entry appears on my email box, so thank you! Very weird in-sync finding indeed. I completely agree on the topics of mid-century and 80s fiction illustrations, they seemed like there was something else to discover on them.

I'm still not completely understanding the gonzo term, but I think it fits the very definition. I'll keep searching!

Community Copies are up :)

Sure, I'll add some community copies soon, keep an eye out :)

You are absolutely right and a single page version has just ben uploaded, you can download it right now. Thank you for the input and I hope you have a good time with the game :)

Awesome little bots and I really liked the art style!

Thanks friend! Always appreciate your support

100% proposital! Quis trazer esse sentimento bem clássico de robôs e suas peças hahah

You can bet it is! And I'm thinking of adding it as an extra mega-monster if we can get the game to 50%! 

We can thank @cueinn for the unhinged idea of a BEHOLBOT

Micro Circuits, the TTRPG  about bots delving dungeons and fighting tyranny is finally release. We are currently managing an Itchfunding format to pay for the illustrations in the final version of the book.

In the rules for the game, you can find:

Main features

  • Easy character creation with only 2 main stats: hard and soft. 
  • 20 different designations (backgrounds) to assign to your robots. 
  • You are what you are: robots’ skills are defined by the parts that make them up. Does your bot have a hover? A rocket launcher? A grappling hook?
  • A loose electronic dark fantasy setting for you to make it your own. 
  • 20 different scripts (spells) to cast into 13 different enemies.
  • An easy to pick up and play system, inspired by OSR classics like Knave and Mausritter.

Let's kick some metal ass!

If you have any questions about the game or the project in general, please, don't hesitate to put them here, or you can contact me on twitter @alexander_sheep.

Great content compilation manchae! Thanks for doing this.

Definitely wanna try this! Putting on the list right now.

Can't wait to play this game!

This is so beautiful! Can't wait to try this.

Hooo excited to try this!

Hey friends! I just uploaded What a Pickle! What a Pickle! is a storytelling game you play with your friends on your phones. It’s all about taking pictures of everyday objects to solve weird problems in creative ways.

You can grab it now and, if you can't afford it, you can have a community copy! :)

Thanks for the feedback, it's appreciated! I will try to improve the typing.

Thaank you my friend!

Hello everyone!

I just released my very first game on Itch!

Ardilous is a game in which you take the role of a federal Agent trying to uncover international spies using cutting-edge computational technology. You must cross-reference infos between subject profiles and databases around the world to check for the truth. 

Download on Itch, it's free! :

Hope you guys like it! Tell me what you think.

Thaank you!