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A member registered Jun 11, 2020

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I feel like there are so many things that could be done. 

Play with the evolution of Game Boy. Start with a standard and have the world be black and white and then into color with a Gameboo Color. Have a lack of backlight so you need to be around lit areas in the 3D World to see the screen. Maybe upgrade to a backlit model down the road.

Could play with the DS Idea of Pictochat. Have chat messages pop up when in range of potential danger. 

Using the Gameboy as a way to equip items/handle inventory much like an old JRPG or Pokemon would. Handling all the gamey sort of things with the handheld would create a fairly unique atmosphere IMO.

Seeing something or someone in first person that looks innocent but swapping to handheld mode would show behind them due to the 2D Nature potentially revealing danger.

I could go on and on. A lot of these ideas probably wouldn't work or have some strong problems in terms of designing but I just think playing around with the concept could present so many interesting gameplay opportunities. It's definitely a mechanic that an entire game can be built around.

Absolutely loved this! For only 72 Hours Work this is fantastic. I could see this concept and style going pretty far. Visuals were perfect, especially on the game boy end. Loved the little notes to read, it added a good bit to the experience. One of the stronger Game Jam games I've played in recent memory all around!

For a first game not bad at all! Simple but decent puzzles, a little bit of lore to read and enjoy and everything just worked. My only suggestions would be to brighten things up a tad and maybe relook at the final scare because it doesn't quite land IMO.

Fun Game. A quick way to kill 10-15 minutes while chasing a high score. I'm almost tempted to go back and see if I can get around 35 which seems totally doable.

Super short game but very well done! Standard jump scare horror but the environment and lore behind everything was very engaging for me. Really enjoyed this quite a bit.

Okay title for what it set out to do. I think the game should be brightened up a bit for the first day, just so it's easier to see things like the PC and Cigarette. I found myself unsure of where to look for a little bit. After that initial day it was easy enough. I also enjoyed the lighting changes as the game progressed to help convey the mood!

Decent little horror title. I found the main gameplay loop to be pretty fun, i loved the setting and the story while a bit easy to piece together, was still very satisfying. the only thing that threw me off was the amount of scares thrown into a 10 minute title. i felt like no section really had time to breathe because they kept flying at me. some of them were pretty damn cool though! overall i quite enjoyed this.

I always dig games like this. However, I think this one needs a bit more polish. Building the Doner was way more difficult then it needed to be (Tomato would always slip out) and it wasn't very clear that a normal doesn't include Ketchup/Mayo like the recipe guide suggests. It took me almost 20 minutes to get the first one right on my first attempt of this game.

 Once you get used to some of the oddities here, it's not a bad little title at all. I do however question getting hot coffee out of a soda fountain.

Awesome Game! Great buildup to the ending. Didn't rely on a lot of quick cheap scares. Environment design is very well done too (really appreciated that the apartments looked very different). AMAZING BATHROOM DESIGN. I also loved seeing my buddy RyanAVX's name in the credits, that caught me by surprise. Great job! :)

Interesting game. Serious subject manner. I enjoyed uncovering the story and finding the endings. My only complaint is the panic meter. it was very simple to avoid getting any panic (and playing normally while trying to manage panic wasn't engaging). 

Overall for a little game jam title, this was a good one. 

Decent little game. I think I may have bugged the ending a little bit but beyond that, I enjoyed it. Game gave itself time to breathe and present concepts to the player, it mostly functioned fine enough and I was finally able to have some sort of choice in the grocery store! Only really lacked a bathroom to look around and I do fancy looking at video game toilets.

Absolutely loved this! It's oozing personality. Voice Acting is on point, Aesthetics are great and the overall flow is near perfect. Puzzles were super simple but not free to do and it left me wanting more. 100% putting this on my wishlist.

I loved the setup for this Niven. It has all the usual quirks and charms I expect from your titles but the final encounter...I couldn't do it. I tried for 20 minutes. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'm just going to assume it's punishment for never giving your bathrooms an S Rating.

An entire game based on the classic Medicine Cabinet scare. Very well executed overall. Loved the design of the home and a super great quality bathroom as well! I did manage to softlock the game on my first attempt by sitting on the couch during a big moment. Outside of that though, loved it!

Enjoyed this. I was able to understand what was happening without being explicitly told. The change from standard visuals to found footage was also a very cool contrast that I enjoyed quite a bit. Only complaint is that the bathroom really lacked toilet paper :(

Probably the most confusing and strange thing I've played here in a while. I don't hate it, but my brain definitely was feeling something as I progressed. The opening scene also felt way too real.
(2 edits)

Not sure how to progress in this game at all. I've been at it for over an hour. I've walked off the map, I've found ways to walk in the sky, I've somehow figured out a way to die at the campsite, I've run out of camera battery, I've apparently seen a jumpscare but no idea where it was. I've restarted a solid 7 or 8 times now and somehow triggered Jesse to go to sleep once and that's about it. What am I missing?

Edit: Spoilers for the intro but I figured it out, so if anyone else runs into my problem, here is how to progress. At the start look directly up in the sky until a jump scare triggers. Then go grab the camera from the back of the car, turn it on with night vision and hit record. Mouse Wheel up to zoom into the sky and look around until you find a big glowing dot. Leave the camera over that for a while. After that the game is self-explanatory. Just that intro is very weird to trigger.

Cool idea for a game. Would love to see this explored a bit more in the future because I love the concept! Only complaint is that it felt like it ended very suddenly.

I love me some lighthouse horror! Very fun writing to this, really enjoyed how everything played out. One of the scares was super loud and I swear my ear drums were vibrating for an hour after. I do think the problem was resolved a bit too easy for all the buildup but it wasn't a big deal, it was still a cool ending. Only major complaint is that the bathroom is really lacking toilet paper.
(1 edit)

Weird but Intriguing! An absolute fever dream of a title. The game used assets I'm very familiar with in other titles here on Itch and transformed them into something just a bit different. All 3 endings were super fun to experience! Only complaint is that I had a lot of issues getting the game to register interactions in certain areas properly (IE to take my drink or put down my bag)

This was not what I expected in all the best ways. A horror title that left me thinking about how Charming, Witty and Funny it was. Although the bathroom needs work. No shower head OR Toilet Paper!?

Another certified Niven banger! Big lack of space bathrooms but a fun environment to look around and story to get into!

Very solid title here! Nice atmosphere setup from the first scene. Loved the overall design of everything in the house (although a distinct lack of a bathroom, so I presume this world features people who don't poop). Just a nice little 10 minute experience to enjoy with a bit of a creepy atmosphere. The main menu animation when starting a game deserves some praise too. :)

I have no idea what I just played, but I did like the guy having an entire internal monologue by the chips.

Fun twist on a concept I've seen a few times here on Itch. As a full time streamer of the last 7 years who focuses heavily on escape room games, this was a perfect match for me. 

The actual game within a game is super well made. The puzzles weren't difficult by any stretch but were engaging enough. The overall sound design is awesome. The whole livestream chat/mod function never came into play for me unfortunately but it is a nifty little addition. I feel like one more puzzle to buildup to the ending a bit more would have been great, but as it stands right now it's still pretty darn good!

Loved the concept of this. Reminded me a lot of the film "Apollo 18" in that regard. The moon felt massive and was so fun to float around. The story also seemed to be quite well done. If I had to request anything with this, it would be subtitles. I found myself missing bits of sentences here and there as I was running around. 

All in all. Great little space horror with a wonderful aesthetic. 

Not bad. I think the biggest positive in this is the world building and story telling. I may have got a little lost in the end, but it is by and far the strongest aspect of this. The game itself is fine for what it is. Nothing special but it all functioned and is a solid framework for future projects. With this only being your second project, I see really awesome things in the future from you! Keep it up.

Loved This! Tons of things to interact with for some additional dialogue. Very solid flow with the story. I had fun trying to figure out the mystery of everything and am still uncertain about what actually happened. 

This had a lot of character and charm and you wouldn't think that just from the screenshots alone here. Very well done. Just add some toilet paper to the bathroom next time.

Fun title! A little bit of exploration mixed with maybe the faintest feeling of an escape room. I have no idea what the plot is or why I'm being hunted down, but that doesn't really matter. It was something different and I enjoyed that! The combat is probably the weakest part of this but considering it's a game jam title, I understand. I'm definitely into this style of game.

I believe in your ability to get that S Tier! You got this. Bathrooms are a very serious business. That bath shape is something I'll have to see to believe as well. I can't wait to see what your next title has in store. Loving what you're putting out.

Fantastic Game! Huge step up compared to the ritual in terms of endings. I've played many games on Itch with this exact format, but this one definitely perfected it and I had a blast figuring out the endings. Loved all the branching dialogue paths as well. Fantastic Bathroom Design too!

Really loved this! Had a great time tackling hard mode as well. Only complaint is the shopping carts seem to have a mind of their own sometimes, so outside of using them to stock the fridges, I found them more of a hinderance than a help for the shelves.

Very interesting narrative! Loved the idea all around. I got the vibe of Jeepers Creepers 2 and Langoliers from this one. I do wish there were more choices to advance the plot and maybe change how the story plays out in minor ways, just to make it feel like I had a bit more control over things but overall it was a fun little ride.

Fantastic Title. This is about as good as you can get a 10 Minute Horror Title. Solid intro, very interesting middle and a pretty good ending! (didn't find the secret ending). The scares were well done and not obnoxious at all. Really appreciated all the options to get the graphics and sound just right for my tastes. Awesome job.

Another Certified Niven Banger. The best summoning a lighter through ancient rituals simulator.

I'd say this is your best effort for a game so far. Nice little intro, decent puzzle (I could not find the red number to save my life) and yeah. Nothing here was all too bad. I do wish the clown/potential threat of him showing up persisted after the intro but outside of that, this is a step in the right direction with your work!

Loved It. Awesome presentation, great humor, trippy story and perfect length. Not much to complain about here. I had a blast with this.

Very cool game. Reminded me of a reverse Langoliers or Twilight Zone episode. Perfect length, good environment, nice scare buildup. This does quite a bit right and now I look forward to what comes out next! If I had to criticize anything it would be that I wish there was some more plot towards the middle of the game (be it a note somewhere or another news broadcast) and I wish the final encounter was a bit faster.

A well paced and thought out 5 minute long title. I do wish there was some more story at the start of the game to balance out all the stuff at the end. I also feel like the whole unlock mechanic could have been used for an effective scare and I was waiting for it the entire sequence. Beyond that, no complaints. A very good effort!