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Unfortunately, I came across a pretty serious bug in this version of the game. This bug occurs at the Deserted Base, the order of actions is as follows:

1. Go through the Deserted Base for the first time, take samples of meat parasites, beat Mystira.

2. Go back and fall into the trap (tentacles pulling the protagonist into the meat ceiling).

3. Do not try to escape, surrender.

Usually, Mystira would appear in this situation, and after talk with her you could try to escape, which did not always work. But in version 71.0, after Mystira appears, the protagonist immediately finds himself free, but in place of his image on the right side of the screen there are only tentacles. If you fall into the same trap a second time, the protagonist again finds himself free without any struggle, and instead of his image on the right side of the screen, the soles of his feet appear, sticking out of the meat ceiling.

And wherever the protagonist goes after that, his image no longer appears. And if you go to a small shop of horrors and try to change your body, namely your legs to hooves, the game immediately crashes.

Where can I use dream manipulation? If I just go to sleep, nothing happens.

Also, the tattoo made in prison, as before, remains on the body after returning.

To get this opportunity, you need to fulfill three conditions:

1. Complete the Manor and defeat Edith (as far as I understand, you did this).

2. Complete the repair of the side room at the Milk Farm. You can order the repair in New Ark at the Hardware US store. The cost of the work is 10,000 credits. After ordering, some time must pass. You will have to look at the farm from time to time and check if the repair is finished.

3. Rescue the cowgirl kidnapped by Pixie. To do this, go to Pixie's lair (the place where you first met her). The cowgirl will be in a cage in the lower left corner. You need to talk to Pixie and feed her pets - then the cowgirl will leave the cage and go to the farm.

You should also take into account that during the repair, Bell may disappear from the farm. In this case, you will have to find her and return her. The first time she can be found in the Forest Park, the second - in Transylvania, the third - in the police station in New Ark. To prevent these disappearances from happening again, you can buy a cowbell from the Naughty Kitty store in New Ark and give it to Belle.

you need to milk Bell, despite the fact that she has no milk. After that, you just need to talk to her, and if you have already visited the Succubus Tower before, you will have the opportunity to go with Bell to the Body Workshop.

By the way, after visiting the Body Workshop, you need to talk to Bell again, and if you have already completed the Manor, you will have the opportunity to go with Bell to Pixie (in order to remove the curse from Bell).

It would be nice if in real life 400 worms could be exchanged for 15 thousand dollars, but...

First of all, you need to go to the Slums of New Ark. I think you know where Don's lair is. If you go south from the gate of his house, you will immediately get to a place where there are many homeless people. One of them (he is standing to the left of the entrance, but not immediately, but a little down) can give you some valuable advice in exchange for seaweed or small fish.

In general, just poke around these homeless people - and you will quickly find the person you need. Unfortunately, he gives only one piece of advice per day. In order not to waste time walking, you can use the flophouse located in the same location (lower right corner, one night costs 5 credits).

The first advice will be about the bathhouse attendant Sammy, the second - about underground fights in the "Devil's Drink", the third and fourth - about the Forest Park and fairies, and the fifth time the homeless man will advise you to buy a fake pass to get into Upper New Ark. After receiving this advice, immediately go to the small market in the slums (up to Don's house, left, then down again). In the bottom row, in the middle, in one of the shops you can buy a "Bad Fake Pass" for 100 credits.

To turn a bad pass into a good one, you need to go to the masseuse Lin Lin and do any massage. In this case, a fake pass will fall out of your clothes, Lin Lin will notice this. For a small tip (20 credits) she will take you to the tattoo saloon, where you can turn a bad pass into a good one for 500 credits.

In the succubus tower, on one of the floors, there is a library. When you enter there, to the left of the entrance you will see a person (maybe a succubus, it doesn't matter). If the protagonist "bumps" into him, this person will tell you that each use of magic can potentially attract the attention of the "Watchers". After that, go to Rinny and ask her to teach you magic. She will ask you what is the main danger of using magic - choose the option that talks about the "Watchers" ("Наблюдатели" in russian translation).

The first time, Rinny teaches the protagonist the Drain Kiss. If the level of mysticism is 7 or higher, the second time you will receive "Electroshock". After completing the Manor, Rinny will teach you how to grow a penis. And after a joint visit with Bell to the "Body Workshop", you will receive the skill of growing breasts. 

Well, actually, the protagonist could always change his gender, completely change his body and face, grow horns and a fish tail, replace his normal legs with hooves, cover himself with tattoos, radically change the color of his skin, put on a police uniform over all of this - and still Cassie, Linda and other characters recognized him at first sight and did not give any comments about such radical changes in appearance

In addition to the hypnotic gaze, there is also the possibility of flying on wings, but, unfortunately, only in the graveyard over questionable areas of the terrain.

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First, I'll take this opportunity to ask you about which file is responsible for displaying coordinates in the desert (with a compass, of course). In my latest translation, these coordinates are not shown for some reason (and in the translation of version 68.1, everything was fine). I will not fix this error now, but when the new version of the game will be published in March, I would like to update the translation and fix this defect at the same time. 

As for Edith. Yes, she deprives Rinny of the ability to orgasm. To be more precise, she ultimately gives Rinny this ability in exchange for the protagonist being deprived of orgasms.

In the succubus prison, orgasm deprivation torture is also used, but not in such a harsh form as with Edith. In general, on the contrary, they literally drown the prisoner in orgasms. Nevertheless, the result is the same as with Edith: the prisoner literally goes crazy, completely loses his will and ultimately his personality. That is, what would have happened to Rinny in captivity in the Manor, she considers it possible to do to another person - drive him crazy, deprive him of will, freedom and ultimately of his very personality. (the words "he", "him" are here for simplicity, of course).

Yes, perhaps succubi by their nature can consider this happiness for people. But still, Rinni is more humanized in the game than the other succubi, and that's why I was upset when it turned out that she was capable of this. 

"for the rest of the day" is not the best wording. If the resilience is exhausted, it can be restored with energy drinks, apples, soup or milk - it turns out that this day will have a continuation.

Also, I would rather ask for some similar option for using the rod to increase sensitivity.

No, it didn't seem to me that Rinny was trying to deceive the protagonist, starting with their introduction, of course. In fact, she seemed like the most sympathetic character in the game to me. And while the adventure in the succubus prison didn't have a sequel that would allow you to accompany her during her audience with the queen, it seemed to me that the bad ending that followed was simply the result of brainwashing or something like that.

But when the sequel appeared, a chain of events involuntarily arose: 1) Rinny persuades the protagonist to stay in prison; 2) having received a refusal, she is very upset, but seems to agree to assist in the escape; 3) after an unsuccessful battle with the queen and turning into a true succubus, she is already openly trying to deceive the protagonist, saying "everything will be fine, you don't need to worry, I will do everything" - and in fact, her goal is to leave her friend in prison forever; 4) after waking up from the dream, Rinny says that she invited the protagonist to an audience with the queen only because she was afraid to go alone (that is, not at all to help the protagonist escape from prison).

You see, Mistira is hostile and dangerous, but if she promises something, she does it. Marin, although she has reasons to be offended by the protagonist, always knows where to stop in her "revenge". And Rinny - it just so happened - shows treachery and a complete lack of empathy. She herself was just captured by Edith, and she did not like it there - why does she not understand that her friend can feel the same?

But be that as it may, I do not want to impose my opinion. The game has the main thing - it maintains intrigue, there are mysteries that you want to solve - from the origin of the protagonist to the closed door in the horror shop. And this episode, in the end, can be explained by some kind of clouding of Rinny's mind, especially since she then returns to her usual behavior.

Rinny seems deceitful because she initially promises the protagonist that she will help with escape from prison, and then it turns out that she plans to leave her friend in this cell forever. That is, she behaves almost like Edith in the hidden extended ending. At the same time, it seems like an act of cruelty. And she does this to a person who previously saved her twice.

This could be explained by "brainwashing", but the queen denies it. In addition, after returning from prison, when Rinny seems like her old self, she still says that she does not regret her attempt to leave her friend in prison forever.

As for the queen, she seems more frivolous and "decorative" than cruel. She does practically nothing in the real world. 

But we don't need to take all this so seriously. These are just pieces of code, not real people.

I also didn't like that in this part of the story, Rinny, who was previously sweet and cheerful, suddenly became some kind of cruel and deceitful selfish bitch, and for no apparent reason. However, the adventure in the succubus prison has its positive sides:

1) +1000 to eroticism and mysticism after completion.

2) the appearance of wings, a tail and an alternative sclera on the character.

3) a new skill.

And all this can be obtained without any lengthy preparation. I also hope that the wings and tail will have some use, besides flying over dubious parts of the graveyard.

In addition, there is one more unexplored area in the prison.

To make it easier, you need high basic stats. The key to success here is money, to put it briefly. When you have a lot of money, you can buy a lot of angel milk (hundreds of bottles) and thanks to this relatively quickly build up STR, NIM and RES in the gym. Then buy hundreds of bottles of milk again, a fake pass and quickly build up SPE in college. The hardest thing is SEN. I didn't have enough patience to bring this stat to 25 - so in the nest of meat parasites and in the desert you have to act at random.

If you already have some money, you can buy 300-400 worms in the slums of New Ark and then feed them to weird fish. This can give 15-20 thousand credits.

Well, it's not hard to delete the game. It's more difficult with saves. This issue has already been discussed here in the comments, but I don't think there's a universal solution. The only thing left to do is play through it again, I guess. I've already done this involuntary several times while testing the translation. 

In Windows, saves are recorded separately from the game, but as for Android, to be honest, I don’t know.

To the left of the hall with the huge painting, there is a structure that needs to be damaged. When you get too close to it, a guard will stop you - by this sign you will be able to find this structure. Now you need to distract the guard. To do this, go up (north), then to the right and up again. There is a cashier in the room who sells tickets to the gallery. When you approach him from behind, he will scream loudly, and this will distract the guard. Now return to the structure and come close to it - as a result, one of the exhibits will be broken.

You will immediately be grabbed and offered to pay a fine (10,000 credits), or "work it off" by standing naked in place of the destroyed exhibit. In both cases, you will then be able to go to the hall with the huge painting - a portal will appear there, through which you will get to the island.

вот обновленный вариант, вроде бы должен запуститься:

try to download this apk file:

this is something new for me. The signature should not disappear, because I changed only part of the files in the original version of the game for Android, and inside these files only the text displayed on the screen was changed. In general, so far I do not know what can be done here, unfortunately. The best thing, perhaps, would be if Indivi reassembled the game for Android with Russified files.

Tomorrow I will post here a link to another version, where amendments were made to the translation and two random errors were fixed, which, however, practically did not affect the game itself (it was impossible to use one of the toilets in New Ark). If it is not too much trouble for you, please try this version too.

maybe it was premature. The thing is that I don't have any Android devices at the moment, so I tested the game on an emulator. Everything works with the emulator, but the user who downloaded the game said that he gets a "apk file is corrupt" message when launching it.

So if it's possible for you, I ask you to launch the translated version on a real physical device. There's no need to test it seriously (especially since Russian is not your language), just checking whether the program launches or not. 

I have a Russified version of 68.1, but I haven't converted it for Android. I think that if I do, it's unlikely to work. There's some compatibility issue here, probably. I'll try to install another emulator that has an environment for smartphones Xiaomi with your variant OS. It will take some time.

But it would be best if the author packed the files with the translation into his own APK file.

I downloaded the apk from mega, installed it on a virtual smartphone - it works, no emergency messages. I don't know how to deal with this. Maybe the game's author will help. Your idea about simply copying files is basically correct (the game itself is an interpreter, it doesn't care what to display on the screen), but once, when I did this (on Windows), the game crashed when choosing a blonde hair color.

On a virtual smartphone, it looks like this:

the main part is a folder <game folder>\www\data.  

Second part is <game folder>\www\js\

я проверял в эмуляторе Galaxy, всё работало. Попробую сейчас скачать, кто знает, может быть, загрузилось неправильно. К сожалению, у меня физических устройств с андроидом нет

If you used way 1 or way 3, you will also receive a map with the route to the slavers' hideout. But you should not go there immediately. You need to return to the New Ark slums and visit the tattoo saloon. There you need to make the same tattoo on your face as the slavers have. They will first apply this tattoo to the other cheek, so you need to use the "mirror" option. The color of the tattoo is dark red. Then go back to Sunshine and buy a headwrap in one of the shops.

With a tattoo on your face and a headwrap, you can go to the slavers' hideout and bluff the guard at the entrance (do not try to sneak past him).

If you used way 2, you will have to do the same, but you do not have a map yet, so you will need to visit the slaver in Sunshine first - go through the hidden northeastern passage and show him the tattoo. He will relax and you can just take the map. After this, you can immediately go to the slavers' hideout.

There are several ways:

1. Wander north of Sunshine in the desert, encounter a caravan and beat all the slavers (this requires a lot of strength). One of them will be captured, you can remove his blindfold and see a tattoo.

2. Seduce one of the slavers while working in a brothel. He will undress and you will see a tattoo. It requires a lot of ero, spe and nim.

3. Find a passage in the north-east corner of the outer wall of Sunshine. Behind the door there will be one of the slavers, you need to stun him, then undress him. This also requires a lot of strength, but it is still easier than beating up an entire caravan.

Saino 122 uses Android, and until today I only had a translation for Windows. But today I have already made an adaptation for Android:

Unfortunately, I can't say yet whether it will be possible to do the same for the other two operating systems.

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Lust Doll Plus version 70.1 with Russian translation for Android. I don't have any Android devices now, so I tested it only on the Galaxy 8 smartphone emulator. Download link:

нет, на Windows только.  Пока не знаю, как перетащить на Андроид. Может быть, попробую позднее.

я сделал перевод на русский, ниже в комментариях есть ссылка. Там, конечно, есть еще огрехи кое-где, буду исправлять. В любом случае, суть всех сцен будет полностью понятна. 

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There are probably some bugs in the translation that I haven't found yet, but I'll try to fix them before the next version of the game comes out.

As for version 70.1 itself, there are a few nuances:

1. In the prison, where they brand, there is a passage down (to the south). At first it is closed, then it opens, but you still can't go through it, because this part of the plot hasn't been done yet. And this can be a problem, because after you're released, you can't go back to prison.

2. Oddly enough, the queen can be "defeated". When I tested the translation, I set all the character's parameters to level 99 - as a result, you can bring the queen's lust to 100% with a contextual attack. But in this case, the game, without saying anything, just returns to the starting point before the fight, which looks strange. I even thought that it would be funny to actually defeat the queen and send her to Edith. 

3. If you don't forgive Rinny after returning from prison, she becomes sad and doesn't communicate. But if in this state you come to the Succubus Tower with Bell for breast enlargement - Rinny behaves as usual - has fun and jumps, no sadness.

You can use lipstick, but the result is almost invisible. I think that this would require a serious change to the graphics as a whole, and this is difficult.

I would rather see cow horns in the list of horns. Why aren't they there? There are cow ears and a cow tail, even hooves, but no horns

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Well, this is half a spoiler, I guess. I was translating the game, so I saw a dialogue related to this ring. Where it is is unclear, I can only guess. For example, it may be found in the horror shop, behind the second locked door. Or in the manor behind another locked door.

By the way, the "marriage" with Rinny is most likely also a bad ending.

version 70.1 here:

Rinny is also a succubus. She can escape at any moment. Also, if you find a special ring somewhere, you can enter into a kind of marriage with her.

Lust Doll Plus 70.1 on Russian:

"When you go to the west, you would run into a tribal hunter, who would run from you further to the west. Follow him (remember that you can disabled Giant Plants by rubbing the bulbs; do not attempt to attack them directly, it's still just as lethal as before) right until you pass through the mushroom field. When he follows to the east by passing another plant, instead of following him, backtrack and go through the northern entrance, which would force the hunter to move to the east instead. When the hunter would disappear, search for a hidden entrance in the northern part of location." (с)

in Russian there is version 68.1