haha I know it's hard to make intention known but chapel is the part where it's supposed to beat you over the head with the solution. there are some clues early on like Tamsin calling you tall man where you can figure it out much earlier. nature of these games, there's always gonna be people who guess it in the first 2 minutes
Alex Rose
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unfortunately, the game was made in 72 hours for a game jam for fun, we have no plans to localise it because it would take a great deal of work, voice acting, casting, cost of translation all for a free game. maybe one day if we do a future larger sequel on console but for this scope it's not possible
it isn't a big ask actually haha, the entered word checks the wordlist, I added an extra check specifically to make sure you have the word available first. bit e.g if you guessed Candle you could skip half the game and be completely oblivious to the story. Truck as well if you guessed early you would not be aware what happened to Dylan (and Tamsin wouldn't reach her final dialogue since you'd miss a vital clue). Just a design choice to make sure people get all of the story haha, I know the feeling - in Phoenix Wright I often guessed the solution early but the evidence was not presentable yet
I think the Wizard if you give it to the real Wizard nad not the fake Wizard says that we're cool now and that he doesn't even really like his son anyway, he just won him in a bet from Rad Boar or something. Or maybe that part was the intro. it's been several years. The Wizard is Rude Bear's nemesis in general
I think that's a glitch, it was definitely possible at some point to get dialogue with the wizard (I'm assuming you gave it to the correct wizard and not the thief pretending to be the wizard). unfortunately there is a problem with that game and that is.. the source code was overwritten by Rude Bear Reassembled, I accidentally used the same folder for both, so there's no way I can recover it now
Yeah, I made the game in a 72 hour jam and it was a way of ensuring even if you had 20 legs the body part would still connect to you. I also wanted to make it clearer what you're getting. maybe I should've done it in update and set the timescale to 0 in hindsight but oh well, I can't change it now because that's how it was when the jam ended
All I said that is that it's not appropriate to make rude demands of someone you don't know, then I immediately gave them a link with the information they asked for. To me "Dude, do XYZ" is rude, and "Why should I care about your game?" is both rude and entitled. I didn't act like anyone insulted my family, I told someone straight up "your comment was rude and demanding, that's not appropriate" and then gave them what they wanted
The next reply saying "You know XYZ, right?" was clearly worded in a condescending way, and the one afterwards claiming I am "seething" for removing the link to avoid more requests that I have no intention of fulfilling was clearly meant to be incendiary. I've been civil and polite, and I haven't insulted anyone here, all I've done is taken down the public link because I don't want to attract an entitled audience that makes demands for free work on free games and isn't even polite about it
Ultimately, if you think any of the above is a polite way of conducting oneself, I don't want you to play my games. I won't be making further replies here because this has descended into silly squabbling, we aren't even talking about the game anymore, so why are we commenting on a game's page. makes no sense and it's a waste of everybody's time
Yeah, I agree on that. the game was made in 72 hours for ludum dare and the little pause was to guarantee the limb would line up properly. because you can get a lot of legs you could e.g. be running across the level chased by your limbs. by the time I realised the balance the game was already over. I think the game is too grindy in general to be one of my faves but it was funny watching your playthrough. you almost won actually, that thing on the left is a motherbrain parody and if you killed that you would've won
you cannot reasonably expect people to want to play a game for which they have no visual reference of
I never expected anyone to play nor do I care if they do. it's free. I don't care whether you play a free game, I don't even know you. if you don't play that's your choice
especially considering the original commenter was not in the least bit rude
if the OP posted, "Hi there, could you post some screenshots so I can see what the game looks like?", I may have found the time. That's not what happened, they posted "Dude, post screenshots. Why should I care about your game?", as if I am supposed to care whether a randomer downloads an 8 year old game for free
If you want a favour from a stranger the bare minimum is being polite. I wouldn't even work for a paying client with that attitude. but you aren't a client, or even a customer - you're a commenter on my page asking me for free work on a free game, while insulting me. I embedded a video link and still someone complained along with sarcasm
if you want free work, you can find the screenshots and the download link on the internet archive. you're welcome to do so or not do so, makes no difference to me
set the game link private because I'm tired of this. I do not care if you play a free game or not because there was or wasn't a screenshot. please direct your ire at someone else
if anyone else wants to download the game, it can still be found through the archive.org backup of the old ludum dare website by finding the correct ludum dare and my old userid, I believe 30 and 19499 respectively off the top of my head
game jam curator did a review of it with a video: https://game-curator.com/jams/ludum-dare-30-rude-bear-rpg/
Why would I play it if there's no bait for your hook?
The only interaction I have with you is this comment on a freeware game I made 8 years ago in 72 hours. I just want you to know that it's not appropriate to make rude demands of developers you never met, especially on 8 year old freeware
I uploaded all these old games recently for archival purposes because the old ludum dare site went down, along with all the old screenshots. I don't have screenshots anymore, because it was almost a decade ago