i kind of said the same thing a while ago. got lots of upvotes for it. but that was nearly a year ago and the creator saw my comment. I do wish there was more added specifically about the DDLC girls. maybe a story to follow with each one and more to do. but i dont think that will happen any time soon. even different perspectives of the different scenes with them would have been nice and i did mention it. but this is more going in the direction of the Original characters than actual DDLC content it was originally made for.
Recent community posts
game wont start for me. it just says the game is running, but it isnt even showing up on my task bar. like the game wont open. im using the itch app on my PC and its downloaded.
edit: i tried multiple times without using the itch app and using it to download the game by its self and it says "no compatable downloads found"
how do i get the milk thissle though? i have collected all of it across all the continents in all areas and there wasnt more than 15 in total. so its really hard to do anything for the dairy farm quest line. is there a place to buy milk thissle? maybe i can grow it at the mansion i nthe garden i restored? i cant interact with the garden so i dont know there either. but i cant find milk thissle anywhere after i picked it all, it never regenerates.
is it possible to plant your own stuff in the garden? its EXTREMELY hard to find milk thissle. I have gathered it from everywhere i possibly could and need more, but no one sells it. all continents i have gotten them from, they never grow back. and i was wondering if theres a way to either reset the milk thissle, or buy it, or grow it?
how do i open the spiritual sealed chests? I have gone to the mansion and didnt obtain any key after doing all the quests there. i havent upgraded anything, but I looked through some questions in the message board and something about the mansion popped up about my question, but i cant get any more info about it. so can someone help me?
played through it twice, one before the large update, and one time after, and there was a lot of content i would have missed if i just continued with my old save. I really do love this game. not just the NSFW scenes, but the whole game as a whole. the fighting seems pretty well balanced, the story line is full of content that i absolutely love, and everything plays out so well. I just cant wait for the next update. even if it takes a few more months to add lots more content, I will patiently wait. I just hope and PRAY that that this game wont be abandoned!. I see so many more areas you can travel to in the future and i love it.
when entering the desert pyramid, it says "Loading error failed to load....." theres lots of random letters jumbled. but i cant proceed without constantly hitting retry and it happens even after i leave but it fixes the issue if i close the game and start it up. i even left the pyramid area and made a save, then left the game and came back, and it fixed it, but it still happens every time i go into the pyramid desert temple
and you think I haven't looked already? why do you think I even asked in the first place? They didn't even give names for the people who answered my questions or how far down, they gave me the equivalent of "look elsewhere and shut up" so of course i'm going to treat them with the same energy they gave me. its not like i told them to off themselves, they deserve the basic same treatment. And the fact you downvoted not just my response, but also my original comment shows how much of a douch you are to me for defending myself and my innocent question.
i keep losing money when i sell the right thing. anything i sell, i lose money. I know it might be a glitch so i exited multiple times, and that didnt work, so i uninstalled and reinstalled it multiple times and it didnt work, I tried the other modes and they work fine, i dont know what to do.
if you want to get to ultra chaos mode, click on the dot in the top left after clicking arcade mode, then click in the middle of the O in mode "arcade mode"
if i can get help on how to fix that, it would be great
how do i give a massage? i have them lay on the bed, but i cant get any likeability or anything up, and theres no massage oil in any store, and just loving the hands over the belly does nothing. also, how do i remove their christmas clothes? the lactation and a few other things dont work with their christmas clothes on
you have to talk with jibril about a book on this "beast" she is the demon that is in the library. you can find the library by going through the quest line of sending adventurers out there to stop the demon through the work option. after a while you will have to go do it yourself since no adventurers are capable of taking jibil down. also, DO NOT CHOOSE TO FIGHT HER WHEN THE UNDERTALE PART HAPPENS. no matter what you do, you WILL lose. it will send you to fight her with your group in physical combat and you might as well shove a tube of lube up your a** to make it less painful when she inevitably shoves her boot up it afterward. I dont think she was ever intended to be fought in physical combat. like, a trillion health or something with a trillion defence. Only click ACT. and select the move option. it will have you dodge attacks, but its the only way to beat her, and thats at her own game. after that, and after allowing her to stay there as the one who runs the library, you will have to go back and you will ask if theres a book on this "beast"
could you tell me where this "delete all saves" button is? thank you for the help in advance
edit 2: aww shoot, now its just a flashing screen, I deleted the saves and went to my files and deleted everything for the game, so it asked if i wanted to remove it since it couldnt be found, so i reinstalled it and now its just a flashing rectangle, even after waiting for the main menu. its all up to date, but nothing is working now. its not even playing
I think the save button is broken. I keep crashing when I go to save. I uninstalled and reinstalled the game 3 times to make sure, and even if i enter the name i want to be called and save right there, or play till I go on the first date with any of the girls, It crashes and wont let me save
edit: it wont let me load my saves either. even the old ones i had before the update.
i love the game, but the past 8 updates have been about only the coffee seller, clothes seller, and teacher. i like that its getting updates, but dang, when will we get an update to do more with the actual stars of the game "Monika, Sayori, Natsuki, and Yuri"? i appreciate the effort but in my opinion all the effort twoards going into the girls in the club is going to characters that where never even mentioned in the base game. it started off great with all the scenes in the right direction, but who are these extra characters? i like the new options, but i don't understand why over 8 entire updates have been specifically and only dedicated to scenes all about the side characters instead of the main girls in the club. a story mode set with the girls in the club would be nice and in my opinion would be a better route to put effort and time into. but maybe the creator is just excited about his side characters. and thats fine, i have no issue, im just not understanding if this game is still going in the direction of the literature club, or more twoards a different direction. love the game though. just thought i might throw out some questions, maybe someone can answer them, or the creator of the game. and maybe we will be getting a story mode where we pick our routes with the girl we choose?