Ooh! <3 A note to y'all: I've commissioned Hex before and the work wuz good! It wuz a Baroque chiptune, incidentally!
Alice Gristle
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It's a very sweet game, honey! <3 I delivered all the gifts, got the toys for toy drive, and looooots of candy canes for (almost) errybody... but I when I tried to exit the fire company map, the game froze! :/
Also, I think in the post office, after one of the dialogues, Rosie's admittedly lovely but for navigational purposes over-large bust remained hoverin' over the screen. I managed to talk to another person, which fixed the issue, tho! <3
Hi sweetie! <3 I APPRECIATE YOUR STREAM AND YOUR THOUGHTS ENORMONSTROUSLY, more than I can convey in words! :D Both of ya criticisms are really fair too, the first one I hadn't even thought about in my blaze-arsed hurry to get the game out. :D The second one is also like, oh ya... There is a hint in the item menu, but it should be a lot clearer.
Also the lone rock that you couldn't smash was a bug I hadn't even noticed. Thanks so much, dear! <3
Yeah I kinda knew the battle system wuz gonna be the obvious weak point, but ehhh, I ran out of hours. :D :D Thank you TONS for ya good feedback tho, honey! Sad to say I'm probs not gonna continue work on this, since it wuz mainly just kinda, "Hmm, can I make a game?" type of test. But, IMA POOP OUT ANOTHER GAME, and it's totally not gonna have an obnoxious battle system like this... :D :D <3 <3 <3 Anyway did I thank you yet, sweetheart? 'Cuz thanks! <3