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A member registered Jun 18, 2022 · View creator page →

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I made me 💗

the next nyan cat

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i don't like the idea of checkpoints for a combat test the intro was annoying after doing it every time but checkpoints i don't think is necessary past that

loved this it would be cool if u could carry and melee weapon and a gun though

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i think part of the combat test was to avoid getting hit and taking damage there was a few at the beginning but became less the farther you get in 

"how many friends do you have" next question 

i have a windows pc i do not see it still

please tell me this is apart of a bigger game this was the scariest thing ive seen in awhile

i do not see data or delta data folder

not a fun game more of like a walking sim i wouldnt play it again it wasnt even scary

the end is basically impossible loved the idea of this game tho

i cried a little loved the dog so much but scared myself by pressing bark for too long LOL.

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my jaw dropped and stayed on the ground when I realized what was happening 

i thought this game was so cute and i had no idea it was going to get so dark so you can imagine my reaction to the 3d part