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A member registered May 02, 2017 · View creator page →

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Great Models, What did you use for making them?

Thank you for your feedback and I had originally planned on adding power ups but i just didn't get the time to do so. I will adding PowerUps, Optimising the game and Improving it overall in the Post jam version.

Thanks a lot!

Really Cool Game!, It has few bugs but the Game is quite fun!

Really Great Game, I Like the Concept. Especially the ending XD. keep moving and you end up where you began, 

Great game! Love the explosion effects!

Thank you! For some reason I am really Excited!

I just found out about this jam and I am quite late to it so i was wondering, Can i still start working on a project now and submit it before the deadline. Also This is really cool jam!


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Cool Pixel art! Can this be used in a Commercial Game?

WOW this is an Epic Asset pack

Thank you!

Pretty Awesome work Dude. Mind if i ask how did you put the Orange Trail? 

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Thanks you a lot! 

No problemo.

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Hello, In the materials folder, select the PNG texture file and set the filtering mode to Point Filter also change the quality to High. That should do it.  

Awesome Tileset!

Thanks dude!

Would 2D be okay?

I really appreciat that you made a video on it. I honestly loved it. Thanks a lot.!!

Its really good for a beginner one. you should see  my first its horrible XD