thank you. i really appreciate the kind comment. it means a lot to me to see how many people resonated with this.
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Like on the itch page? It's a full screen animated gif. The CSS for it is here:
(If that's what you mean lol)
i'm sorry that you are experiencing this. it's awful to go through something like this. thank you for standing up to him. even if you can't see it through i hope you are proud of yourself because it does make a difference to even just try... and if you do, you are amazing either way. either way you are the person who has that courage.
please take care. i wish you a lot of strength and hope. (and fuck that lawyer)
lol this is hilarious. i keep knocking down buildings to see what the person would say. i love how everything is voiced and like i'm bumbling around and there's this silly commentary that left me manically grinning the entire time. damn those premiums tho what a shame it's a rough life owning mega giant killer robots.
thank you!!! 😭 omg i cannot express how much this means to hear, especially rn the timing is a blessing. hearing things like this encourages me to keep going. making this type of art is what i love doing the most out of life and all i want to do. i hope for the new thing i am working on to hold up and be as meaningful as this.
it was hard to work on it. making art that is “different” is scary, but knowing people like you exist out there that love it like this makes it absolutely worth it. thank you!! 😭🙏🥰