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A member registered Feb 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yes, it sure can :D

Ah yes, we have planned for that language for the release. Please wait for it :D

Hey, what language that you use? We plan to add many localization, so we could reach as many players possible :D

Oh wait, it's definitely a bug, do you have the recording of it?

Thanks! Really glad that you enjoy it :D

Hey you could try the one on the Steam, it has the latest update, maybe it has been fixed there :D.

Hiii, thank you for trying our game! We could give several recommendation tho if you like this kind of game.
If you like Typing Game, you might like Epistory, it's an adventure game, where you ride a fox and explore the map as you type the world around you.
Or if you like Cooking Game, you might like our other game called Cookard, it's a cooking card game, where you combine card like Stacklands to make food.

Yos2 :3... ditunggu game lainnya XD

Dari awal udah red flag banget ini :')...

Lumayan straight forward gamenya :D...
Kontrolnya rada sering nyangkut2 jalannya
Artnya ada beberapa yang keliatan agak pecah
Personally Cut Scene awalnya agak terlalu lama sih...

Hey thanks for trying our game! :D
Thank you also for the feedback :D. Currently, we don't have any plan to update the game, but if we do it, we will keep this in mind :D.

For your information, this game is heavily influenced by Dicey Dungeon. If you like this type of game, I really recommend that you check that game out :D. Cheers!

If you still searching for GUI artist, I think I could help some :D

Hypnagonia community · Created a new topic Nice Game

Hey nice game! Clearly really inspired by Slay the Spire XD... Kinda confused in the beginning, but I finally had a grasp what is what in this game.

The thing that is confusing is the term is changed, I understand that you want to change the term so it will fit with the thematic of the game, but yes, it needlessly confusing XD...

A little tips for the one who try this game:

You have nightmare, and you will "fight" the torment.

Some basic vocabulary to make the game easier to be understood:

  • torment -> enemy
  • anxiety -> your hp
  • comprehension -> enemy hp
  • interpretation -> your attack
  • stress -> enemy attack
  • confidence -> your defence
  • perplexity -> enemy defence
  • immersion -> energy / action point
  • plushie -> relic / passive buff on your run
  • action card -> attack card in StS
  • control card -> skill card in StS
  • concentration card -> power card in StS

Then the upgrade system is a little bit different, it's more like Griftland, you need to use the card multiple times so that you could upgrade it.

I'm pretty enjoy it, but yeah... the tutorial kinda sucks now... and the wall of text, it's pretty cryptic, I just choose randomly without actually reading it lololol XD

Hi, thank you so much for playing our game :D. I'm sorry about the problem, I'm afraid we could not do much about it because "esc" button is the default button to quit the full screen on browser, it's done automatically by the browser. We recommend to download the demo on Steam to get better experience :D.

ini sangat polish kk :') ggwp cepet ngerjainnya :')

thanks XD

Thank you soo much for your kind words XD
Please consider to wishlist the game on the Steam, more wishlist will give us more visibility when it launches :D

wah nice kali ini XD

wakakakaka naisu sekali XD

Hahahaha thank you ❤️

jejak dulu, bagus ini artnya XD

ada koordinat lokasinya XD

Hello @sohaland, thank you for trying our game XD. Glad that you enjoy it :D. For the keyboard part, yes it's still not perfect, we have noticed that certain character is hard to type, for example is É, È, Œ, œ, we have thought that because it's native in French language, French people could just write it without a thought... but we are so wrong about it lol. And for the symbols, yes, we haven't adapted to different keyboard layout, the symbols used is more or less from standard QWERTY keyboard.

In the future we will address this issue. For the hard character, maybe we could make sure the word that using it won't come up. Or we could allow typing E for character É, or È, and typing OE for Œ.

But yeah, we need help from the communities to address this issue because we are not used to with different keyboard layout.

Thank you for your kind feedback :D

Thanks! XD Really appreciate it! :D

cool :3

Hello, I'm glad that you like the game :D... if the game lags, I think it's because there's some bug :')... I'm sorry that you experience that, it would be solved by closing and reopening the game. For the difficulty option you could find it in the settings on the main menu. Currently you can't change the difficulty when you are in the level :')

Damn really good XD... I dig this lololol XD... the reply at the end really satisfying lololol...

The thing that could be improved maybe the visual feedback... it's pretty hard to know whether the bullet will hit us or not, one of the cause maybe the nature of isometric, it's pretty hard to see the trajectory of the bullet... maybe if there's a top down map, it could be useful to see the trajectory...

And it seems each card has some speed and max distance, I feel if you could show it on the map it could be really useful... like some ring to indicate the radius... for the speed... I'm not sure, maybe the indicator where the bullet will be when we execute the action?

At a glance, the difference between the Sidestep and Reposition is the distance and the speed, where Reposition has higher distance, but Sidestep has higher speed. The FTL is kinda instantaneous... But it's a bummer that FTL only works in straight line, it can't bypass the wall...

and yeah, kinda need a visual indicator if I take a breath will the bullet hit me or not XD hahahaha

damn, I cannot play the game, my screen size is too small and the card is outside of the screen :'), I can't click it

Naisu :3...
For me that like to min-maxing the game, I kinda like see the game only for the stats... it feels bad to the VTuber to make them work and generate money for me hahahaha...

And for the stats, it's not clear what stats affects what stuff... For example if I have gaming stats pretty high, what does it even means? Do I get more money from that?
And what is fan? Do I get more money when I have more fans?

And for now, it seems that the morale will only triggered if it pass the negatif, so I'm not sure about that... because I just could keep the morale pretty low as long as it's not a negatif... I think it's a good idea if there's certain bonus to have a high morale, so I could decide whether to have a high morale or low morale.

I like the premise... I like sad stories :')

For the gameplay, I'm not sure the keyboard is needed, I think it's better if it's all using only mouse...

I wish, when I collect item, I could inspect it directly before it goes into my backpack, so I don't need to open my backpack to inspect them one by one.

Telling the stories with the objects are really nice, couldn't wait what's next!

For the dialogue part, I wish I could click anywhere to continue :D

I've tried, looks good, interesting premise...
For the game itself, the UX it could be improved... especially for selecting the character and soon... and I think for the context menu when clicking something, it's better to show to the side...
The text is too small to read if I zoom out, I wish the text has constant size on the screen regardless of the zoom level

Excited to see what's more :D

Hello, it's a nice idea to use cards to have a conversation rather than a battle. It reminds me of Griftlands, when you argue / converse with cards. Or even Potionomics when you haggle the stuff.
But I think the gameplay it's kinda simplistic now, most of the times, the choice is kinda obvious, which card that is the best for now, so it lacks of decision making or strategizing when choosing the cards.

And I don't know, when compared to other deck building game / game using cards, it lacks the notion of deck in this game. It feels like everyturn we got a random cards, without any control of it.

But I'm curious how you will expand this game idea further. Thanks :3

thank you for the detail, we'll check on it later :D

for this demo, the progress saves... but for the full version one, I'm afraid we could not achieve the backward compability of the save file, because the level will be changed a little bit and rebalanced... :')

Wait, really? We thought we have handled that case... could you give me more detail? It's pretty serious bug if you could not play it properly :')... do you play the windows version or the web version? and what kind of resolution your screen has?

ah yes, we are really sorry about that :')... btw, the demo is already updated on Steam, the difficulty has been balanced on that build XD

Thanks! XD... really appreciate it :D... if you don't mind please wishlist The Chef's Shift on Steam! It will help us a lot for getting many wishlist :D

wakakakak XD

thank you for your kind words! XD... it sure cheers us up :D