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Allegedly Human

A member registered May 27, 2020

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I was wondering, is there a way to use the items of the potion shop yet for non patreon? Anyway, I think this game has TONS of potential, with a cute style, cute and wholesome writing (which is really rare in kinky furry stuff), and very sexy scenes so far. I'm impatient to see what's next!! :3

Thanks bud!

Thanks for the info. Say, could you please tell me where to find the link to access the Discord server? Or is it Patreon only?

I mean, it's in Echo.  With the last game, we were lucky to have bittersweet ending, so I'm afraid there's going to be at least one or two death by route...

Yes, I saw that too. They appear right after William starts to insult Cliff. So, basically, every time something appears, it's above William's shoulder. Once when he talks about murder, and the second time when he becomes aggressive. I really, really don't like this guy in the first place, but if he's somehow a bringer of doom (kind of like Chase), I am not spending anytime with him!

Although, if Sam was in his 20s during the events of TSR, then he could totally be 80 or more during the flashback. But then, it means he doesn't die, despite the fact that we know someone was killed for murdering a miner during the last mass hysteria. So, someone else is going to get the blame for it?

Oh god, I can feel the emotional train wreck this game's endings are gonna be, and I am terrified of it.

I just saw that after I read this, and it's definitely a skull  with horns. Jesus christ

I really love how Sam's feelings and thoughts are much clearer to the reader then Chase's. Although it worked quite well with Echo, since we're not supposed to know much about the group at the beginning, having the clear plans of the protagonist on how he really sees the people around him, compared to Chase only dropping hints around about his culpability and stuff.

Yes, but isn't the dream with Sydney's father and Janice ? If so, it's long after Sam's time, especially if he's the victim of the last mass hysteria (which, according to what Clint said, is quite possible). 

Isn't Willlan a wolf though? If so, I'm afraid he'll be the one to get the forced amputation. Also (spoiler for the end of TJ's route), I remember that when Chase is absolutly loosing it in his hotel room, he sees a red fox hanging himself. I'm afraid Murdoch's route isn't going to end well either...