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A member registered Sep 23, 2018 · View creator page →

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It's ok. This was my first Bitsy game, so I didn't know how to make a notification. :)

That's the point. When it does that, you start a new day.

What doesn't work?

Awesome story! Love this game!


Really unique idea! Awesome!

Whoa! So weird but intriguing. I like the idea of the game developer talking to a program. And that wacky guy. Great game!

I found the bonus room...

This was actually really cool. 10/10 Story. Great idea!


Ah, Ok. I was just wondering after I saw those!  They are actually in my game Tales of The Realm as statues in the mysterious room. ;D

Really great  game! Are the symbols a reference to something? Just because I found these in a spritesheet. Ancient hero and ancient evil statues.

I do 3D games, but only for Mac. The game I'm working on is for Windows and in Gamemaker 8.1 so I can't do 3D on that. Thanks for the suggestion though! :D

I need some city sprites for my latest game. Can anyone recommend some? Preferably pixel art. They must be 2D however.

Thanks guys! :D

They have been put into my latest game. :3

The game isn't out just yet though.

It's not out just yet, but it's set in another world (not the same) but very similar character design and things to my other game.

Here's the link to Tales of The Realm:

Wow! These are really great! They might even make it into my next game! ;D

Hiya guys! Just thought I'd put this here. I'm currently working on a game a bit like my other game, Tales of The Realm.

Anyways, that was just an ad I guess promoting my stuff. :3

Really funny. Great game!

The .exe needs the files, too. It is missing the data folder.

Strange Island community · Created a new topic Download

The download doesn't work.  You need the data in there not just the .exe.

I like the automation process. Well done!